Throwback photo of billionaire daughters, Temi Otedola & DJ Cuppy

Throwback photo of billionaire daughters, Temi Otedola & DJ Cuppy

Temi Otedola, daughter of billionaire oil mogul, Femi Otedola shared a throwback photo of herself and her older sister, DJ Cuppy, who turns 28 today November 11.

Throwback photo of billionaire daughters, Temi Otedola & DJ Cuppy

”Happy Birthday @cuppymusic !!!!! The big sister I love, laugh with and RESPECT. You are a superwoman to me! Proud of all of you are and everything you are yet to be. I know you’ll always have my back. Love you always and forever.” Temi wrote

Throwback photo of billionaire daughters, Temi Otedola & DJ Cuppy

Throwback photo of billionaire daughters, Temi Otedola & DJ Cuppy

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