Looking for who will wash my pant – Toke Makinwa

Toke Makinwa reveals the struggle she had dealing with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Nigerian media personality, Toke Makinwa has revealed she is in search of someone to wash her pant.

Looking for who will wash my pant - Toke Makinwa

She made the statement in reaction to the trending issue of Neo washing Vee’s panties in the Big Brother Naija house.

Neo was captured washing the panties and his action has been subjected him to intense trolling on social media.

But it appears, Toke is in support of what Neo did and wants someone to do same for her.

Looking for who will wash my pant - Toke Makinwa

“Now looking for who will wash my pant“, she tweeted.

Looking for who will wash my pant - Toke Makinwa

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