Mike Edwards pregnant wife, Perri reveals why she thought she would never have a child in her life

#BBNaija: I trust my Husband around other women but can’t share him - Mike’s Wife, Perri Shakes-Drayton reveals

Mike Edwards pregnant wife, Perri during a question and answer session on Instagram, revealed why she thought she would never have a child in her life.

Mike Edwards pregnant wife, Perri reveals why she thought she would never have a child in her life

Recall that in the video Perri shared on her Instagram page a few weeks ago to announce that she was expecting a child, the 30-year-old Olympian medalist said her pregnancy came as a surprise because she never thought she could have a child.

Mike Edwards pregnant wife, Perri reveals why she thought she would never have a child in her life

When a fan asked why she thought she could not have a child, Perri replied saying she got scared that she had tampered with her reproductive system due to the use of birth control pills for a long period of time.

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Mike Edwards pregnant wife, Perri reveals why she thought she would never have a child in her life

See their conversation below;

Mike Edwards pregnant wife, Perri reveals why she thought she would never have a child in her life

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