Woman poisons and kills her two-day-old grand daughter with sniper because she dislikes the child’s Father

Woman poisons and kills her two-day-old grand daughter with sniper because she dislikes the child’s Father

Men of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested one Temitope Akinola, 42, for killing her two-day-old granddaughter by poisoning by her with an infamous insecticide, Sniper.

Akinola was arrested following the complaint the baby’s mother filed with the police. The distraught lady reportedly went to bath and returned to see a lifeless body of her baby she left with her mother.

“Upon the information, the DPO Shagamu Division, SP Okiki Agunbiade, detailed his detectives to the scene where the killer grandmother was promptly arrested,” Ogun police spokesperson, Mr Abimbola Oyeyemi said.

The grandmother who admitted to killing her grandchild said she did it because she never liked the man her daughter had the baby for. She said she tried to terminate her daughter’s pregnancy but was warned against doing such by her Pastor.

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Akinola told the police upon being interrogated that she decided to wait till the baby was born before carrying out her plan.

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