Ludacris and his beautiful wife Eudoxie Mbouguiengue enjoy Date Night on a train in Switzerland (Photos)

Ludacris and his beautiful wife Eudoxie Mbouguiengue enjoy Date Night on a train in Switzerland (Photos)

American rapper, Ludacris and his wife Eudoxie Mbouguiengue, who are currently in Switzerland were pictured enjoying a date night on a train.

See full photos below:

Ludacris and his beautiful wife Eudoxie Mbouguiengue enjoy date night on a train in Switzerland (Photos)

Ludacris and his beautiful wife Eudoxie Mbouguiengue enjoy date night on a train in Switzerland (Photos)

Ludacris and his beautiful wife Eudoxie Mbouguiengue enjoy date night on a train in Switzerland (Photos)

Check also:  Nigerian Priest in Switzerland breaks down in tears after his Parishioners sang him an Igbo song to celebrate his Priestly Anniversary (Video)

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