14 easy beauty ideas for midlife women’s self-care at home

Relax with these ideas for self-care for midlife women

Why midlife women’s self-care is important and what you can do to make your life better.

True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is choosing to build a life you don't need to regularly escape from. - Brianna Wiest Share on X

Self-care for midlife women has become quite popular over the last few years. And while the word(s) “self-care” irk me slightly, I do believe in looking after ourselves, especially at this stage of our lives.

And that’s where this post comes in. I feel we need to carve out time in our busy lives for ourselves. This is vital when we’re feeling particularly haggard but also something that we can include in our routines so that we live the life we want to live.

I’ve put together 14 self-care beauty ideas that midlife women can easily do at home. (Because nobody wants complicated solutions.) I hope it inspires you to do a few of them because when it comes to midlife women’s self-care, it’s crucial to make time for your health. And while you may think these suggestions frivolous, it’s worth noting that every little way you invest in yourself, helps with your overall health.

Self-care ideas for midlife women

1. Go to bed earlier

Let’s start with an obvious one – getting sufficient sleep. We all know that not getting enough sleep can cause health problems, and yet we often find ourselves scrolling Instagram or watching Netflix late into the night. (Guilty.) But let’s face it, this one is relatively easy to start doing. And it can have so many benefits. Maybe set an alarm for 10 pm, pull yourself away from the TV and start your nighttime routine.

2. Face mask

Applying a face mask is a great way to carve out time for a midlife women’s self-care. It sets aside 10-20 minutes for you to possibly do a meditation or you could simply lie down and let your mind wander. By doing this you’d be getting physical and mental benefits. A great mask for dry skin is Paula’s Choice Hydrating Treatment Mask.

3. Do a treatment on your hair

There are so many great treatments on the market right now, but the brand name that I favour when it comes to all things hair is Kerastase. They have this treatment that makes my hair look and feel super smooth and nourished.

How to create a simple, effective skincare routine for mature skin

4. Try self-tanning

Here’s something that I’m not overly confident about doing because I’ve seen so many mess-ups (orange ankles, knees and palms come to mind). But the facial tan that I’ve had a lot of success with for a while now – is Tan-Luxe. You can’t really make a mistake with that serum which is very reassuring. And when it comes to what to use on your body – I’ve been told that this product works very well, dries quickly, doesn’t come off on your sheets, and develops nicely over a couple of days.

5. Give yourself a manicure or a pedicure

Soak your hands in warm water, then clean up your cuticles by pushing them back and clipping off unnecessary skin. Clip your nails, file them into your desired shapes, buff the tops of your nails and add a bottom coat or nail strengthener. Then do one coat, wait for that to dry (or use drying drops), repeat, and finish with a top coat. I like these –  nail strengthener, base coat and top coat.

You can also use a foot spa (this one is similar to the one I have) while watching your favourite TV show. After soaking your feet, use a foot file to get rid of any unwanted skin and then apply a moisturizer for soft, smooth feet that you’ll be proud of. You can also use nail polish to look extra groomed.

6. Dye your eyebrows

Healthy, thick-looking eyebrows do wonders to shape the face and immediately help you to feel more put together. If you’re finding that your eyebrows are looking a bit dull or thin, try this eyebrow dye for an instant boost. Here’s a 5-minute How to Tint your eyebrows at home.

7. Have a bath with Epsom salts and magnesium

Aching muscles and lots of stress call for a warm bath with Epsom salts. After relaxing in a bath, you’ll have replenished those energy levels.

8. Drink more water

I’m going to be investing in a new water bottle soon because mine always seems to go missing around here. Anyway, I find that when I keep a filled-up water bottle with me, I tend to drink more water. Rocket science? No.

9. Exfoliate your body

Now and then it feels great to exfoliate your whole body. Scrubbing away dead skin cells and eliminating rough patches is wonderful self-care. Try the Nécessaire Body Exfoliator.

10. Use a neck massager

Whenever I’m particularly stressed or tired, I plug in my neck massager and do a full session. I keep mine in a basket in our TV room so that it’s easy for me to use while watching TV.

11. Do a 10-minute LED mask

Another thing I do while watching TV in the evenings is use my LED face mask. You have to wash your face before using it, so it’s a great excuse to start your nighttime routine early in the evening and start layering your skincare slowly throughout the evening.

12. Try a scalp treatment

Scalp health is all the rage at the moment. I mean, it’s not like we didn’t know we had to have a healthy scalp, but we all thought our shampoo and conditioners would do that for us. Anyway, I’m now wanting to buy this scalp treatment to help with my slightly red scalp. And yes, maybe also this scalp massager or this one that both look very good.

13. End your morning shower with a blast of cold water

This is one of the habits I picked up from “Just One Thing” book and it definitely takes some getting used to, but I feel so good afterwards that I feel it’s worth the shock and horror.

14. Light a candle

I’m a candle-lover. Whenever anyone asks me what I want for my birthday and Christmas, the answer is always a candle. And I regularly burn candles around my house to lift my spirits. This one is my favourite right now.

In conclusion – midlife women’s self-care

Carving out some ‘me time’ is essential during our midlife years and while we know that self-care involves more than simply soaking in a bath, these little things are still important. They help to ‘fill the jug’ so that we can deal with the stresses we encounter daily. As a woman in midlife, do you regularly practice self-care? Or have you been sold the idea that it’s selfish?




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