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Podcamp Toronto – An event you don’t want to miss!

Those of you new to the concept of “un-conferences” may want to stop by the Rogers Communication Centre (Ryerson U) this weekend in Toronto. What’s going on? Podcamp Toronto 2009 is! Just type in the invite key “canuck” to get into the website/wiki.


This is my 4th Podcamp (second one in Toronto), and certainly won’t be my last. Don’ t be fooled by the name, this is an event that brings together the “Who’s Who” of social media from every angle. You have the hobbyists, the philosophers, the techies, the strategists, the marketers/communicators, the authors, the employers, the executives, the programmers, the artists, the newbies and the veterans (to name a few). Put simply, this event is for ANYONE interested in new media. By the end of the weekend I usually feel like my brain went through a 24 hour spinning class followed by a marathon.

My own session is at 2:45PM on the Saturday in room 357. I titled it as follows: “Government 2.0. A discussion on the expanding role of social media and government/citizen interaction, right here in Canada.” Basically, I’ll quickly go over the evolving and increasingly strategic (although there’s still a long way to go) attempts by government  to reach out to Canadians using social media. I only have 30min so I think I’ll just open up the floor to a discussion as I navigate through the latest examples.

If you haven’t registered for Podcamp yet, get on it! Or better yet, pencil yourself in to present!

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