Your Soul-Smartphone: Choose The Smartphone That Is Right For You

Your Soul-Smartphone
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by Max

A few weeks ago, the iPhone 11 was announced and many tech reviewers came to the conclusion that this iPhone is the best smartphone in the market right now.


The funny part is that if you ask most iPhone users about the aspect that makes this smartphone considered as the best, 90% of their answers will be:

“Well, this is an iPhone.”
“iPhones have always been the best.”
“I don’t know. It’s an iPhone after all, right?”

And to be honest with you, those kinds of answers will only convince another Apple fanboy. Those are not arguments, those are opinions.

And this where the reviewer’s role comes in. Reviewers gives detailed insights about products. They know what they are explaining to the average user. Share on X

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I personally have been a tech reviewer for years now. And whenever people can’t seem to make a decision about which smartphone to buy, they simply come to me for a bit of guidance.

And the most FAQ I receive is: “What’s the best smartphone?”

The irony of the world of technology is that better devices keep coming into existence so fast that the current users are still experiencing with previous models. And with so many models in the market, choosing a smartphone that fits you nowadays became a harder task than ever before.

So, in today’s article, I am going to show you how to choose a smartphone that fits not only your taste, but most importantly, your needs. A smartphone that once you hold it in your hand, you’ll know that this is the one. Your “soul-smartphone”.

Here are the 6 main elements to consider when buying a new smartphone:

#1 Battery Life

Unless you want to buy power banks for the rest of your life and keep them in your pockets, you really need to choose a smartphone that can sustain your daily usage of it. A smartphone that can go throughout the day without the need for a recharge every 2 or 3 hours.

The question is: “How do I choose a smartphone with a good battery?”

Some of you may say; “Duh! Just go to and try to find a smartphone with a battery above 3500 mah.”

While this might be true, it can prove to be misleading sometimes.

Customise it – Make it your own

Batteries tend to lose their durability after some months of usage. And when the battery does not have the necessary power to sustain the daily usage, many common performance-related problems start to pop up. Share on X Worst case scenarios would be sudden or even permanent shut downs of the smartphone.

This is why I personally advise you to check for smartphone reviews in different websites. You can check “The Verge” website or Android Authority for multiple information and hands-on of a particular device.

Look in different forums for battery related problems of a given smartphone. A lot of people share their experience with a smartphone that they have previously bought. This way, you’ll know more about the smartphone you are buying and the durability of its battery.

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#2 Build Quality

I have been a fan of the iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 for a long time. The problem is that the former is so fragile that it started bending inside some of its owners’ pockets and the latter broke from a 30 centimeters fall.

As you can see, build quality is of great importance not only because it protects the smartphone from falls and bending, but also because it plays a role in the user experience.

The better the quality of a phone’s body is, the more premium the phone will look and the better it will feel in hand.

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This is why giant smartphone companies like Samsung, Apple, Sony, and even Huawei spend huge amounts of money to provide their customers with flagships smartphones made from the finest materials in order to increase their sales.

So, the next time you want to buy a smartphone, try to look for one which is both durable and that feels premium in hand.

I personally use the Huawei Y7 2019 which has a plastic back. The grip is solid and the material is durable as well. So, I’m not scared if my smartphone falls one day. (OK, it did, but try to keep that a secret otherwise my dad won’t buy me another one.)

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#3 Ease of Use

What I mean by ease of use is the system by which the smartphone operates.

If you are looking for a smartphone that has a limited list of options and a clean user interface, then stop looking and simply buy an iPhone. Trust me, its system (the IOS) is a simple one that doesn’t include a variety of options that confuses its users. The IOS is simple, limited, and clean.

But if you want, however, a system that allows you to sail your own ship, then go for Android. Android smartphones gives you the advantage and the privilege of fully customizing your phone and its system the way you want. Share on X Android devices even have a hidden “developer mode” option that allows you to adjust the window’s animation scale and save more ram.

Customise it – Make it your own

#4 Know your taste

This is definitively a crucial tip that you may not hear anywhere else. This is an IRFY exclusive tip which is considered as a lifehack in the tech world.

What I mean by knowing your taste is that you need to know what type of smartphone user you are.

Are you the heavy gamer who keeps playing mobile games like Asphalt 9 or PUBG all the time?

If you are, then buy a smartphone with a good ram and a fast processor like the Razer phone or the Asus Rog phone. Don’t focus on the camera or the design because you won’t be taking pictures and selfies while playing games.

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But what if you are the adventurer type of person? The traveler, someone who spends days outside of his house and does the usual camping on beaches and on tops of mountains?

If you think that you belong to this category, then you should consider buying a phone that can shoot those unforgettable moments like the Galaxy S7 or the Huawei P20 or P30 pro.

Do not give too much importance to its ram or processor because you won’t be needing that extra boost in performance. What you will need is a large memory to save your content. Look for a device with a memory capacity of 64 gigs and above because quality photos and videos take space.

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P.S: Whatever happens, DO NOT FORGET about the battery. The last thing you want is a dead phone during a sunset on a beach.

But if you are like me, someone who likes to taste a bit of everything, then try to get a device that has something of all of the above. A smartphone like the Galaxy Note 5, the iPhone 7, or even a OnePlus 6T. A device with medium storage capacity, a decent battery that can go throughout the day and an average camera that can take clear photos in daylight.

#5 Brands = Credibility

Both you and I know that it is easier to choose between a Samsung and a Motorola than between a OnePlus and a Huawei. And that’s because the former phones belong to different leagues and every brand has a reputation to maintain to stay high in the markets and keep getting profits.

Customise it – Make it your own

But you may say: “But IRFY, what about the Galaxy Note 7 which kept exploding that day?”

And I’ll simply answer you by saying; “One swallow doesn’t make a summer.”

You cannot judge a company by one failure among dozens of successes. This is why even when Samsung’s Note 7 exploded, the company kept selling other products in high numbers.

Why? Because every brand has a level of credibility and its history tells how credible it has been during the last years of device manifacturing.

So, if it’s hard for you to choose a smartphone, try to consider the big dogs first and then slowly move to less popular devices if you are looking for cheaper models.

And for the golden tip:

Customise it – Make it your own

#6 Utility matters

Never buy a smartphone because many people have it, but buy a smartphone that you can exploit to the maximum. Share on X Something that you can use every bit and inch of.

If a smartphone is widely used, it doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for you. It simply means that the marketing campaign of that phone was a success and many people loved it. That’s all.

So, when buying a phone ask yourself this question:

“Is this the right smartphone for me? Am I going to make use of its functions to the utmost?”

With that being said, I really hope that now you have a clear image of what smartphone you need to buy.

And as always, if you loved today’s article don’t forget to share it with you friends and family. You can also follow us on Facebook to stay updated with everything new and fresh in the tech industry.

See you soon!


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