How To Pick A Winning Domain Name

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Guest post by Dom Flipp – Premium Domains

If you want to build an online presence for your business, there is no way around it.

You are going to need a GREAT domain name.

Here are 6 tips on picking a domain name that both your customers and the search engines will love.


#1 Business Name

The best way to select a domain name, is to use the name of your business as a domain name. If your company is called Ed's Garage, then that should be your first pick. Share on X

If the domain name is already taken, don’t worry – it may be up for sale.

The prices can vary quite a bit, but you will have to treat it as an investment.

Just as you would invest money in a prime location, great tools or products and so on, the domain name of your business is prime online real estate.

The one in this example,, has an estimated value of $1,546.

#2 Niche Specific

So, is taken, and it is not for sale.

Then what?

Think about your niche.
What are the common words associated with your type of business?

How about auto shop and auto repair? is taken, but is available!
There you have it.

But what if you don’t find a niche match?
Or maybe you don’t like the sound of it?

#3 Location

When your business is local, try adding your location to the domain name. 
Like,, which is available.

But…maybe you want to expand your business in the future, open up more shops in other locations.
If that is the case, you might want to look at what people are searching for online instead.

#4 Search Terms

Finding a domain name that is also a popular search term, is a good way to attract traffic. It also makes it more likely that customers will remember the name of your website. Share on X

Whoever snatched, made a really great investment. A search for “weight loss” on Google returns a whopping 262 million results, which explains why this domain name is currently valued at over $25,000!

So, what are the search terms that your customers will use to find your products or services?

Try searching Google, and see what comes up with the most results.

Here are some of the popular related search terms for “Ed’s Garage” in Houston:

Mechanics in Houston: 35,100
Houston auto shop: 12,600
Houston mechanics: 965 results

And wouldn’t you know it, is available. Which means that you have just secured a great domain name for your business. If you decide to stay local, that is.

If not, is also for sale.

#5 Easy To Remember

Your business name, popular search terms, niche specific keywords, location – these are all good ways to pick a domain name., has all of the above included in the name. Still, it’s quite a mouthful. 

​And a lot to remember.

The best way to make sure your customers remember your domain name, is to make it SHORT. Share on X

Shorter names stick.

They also seem cleaner and more professional, which is the impression you want to give your clients about your business.

#6 Domain Extensions

Domain extensions matter, and the most popular by far is the .com extension.

The .com websites rank higher in Google, making it more likely that your business will show up in the search results.

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