This strong trans woman is refusing to sleep with men until they become more tolerant of Islam and it’s powerful AF.

That’s right. Rhonda Payload (formerly known as Michael Stien) is taking a stand for Islam Today.

In move both incredibly Brave and stunning Rhonda has decided to fight bigotry and oppression on a whole new level: the sexual level.

She tells the Lampoon:

Men are driven by one head, the little one. We can have them eating out of the palms of our hands in no time if we just cut them off from the sugar and actually stick to our guns no matter how bad we too ourselves want it… come on ladies.

Rhonda has updated all of her social media and dating profiles with a message that reads plain and simple:

No more dates or hookups until we can go a full month with a decrease in microaggression recordings against Islamists in America. The hate stops NOW“.

Microaggression is a term used for brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioural, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group.

An example of a microaggression could be telling an Islamic woman something as simple as “so damn hot can I be your Aladdin” or even “ I want to try Hummus can you teach me how to make it“.

Not all Islamic people know how to make hummus.

Many prominent college campuses track and make detailed records of reported microaggressions. This number needs to be lowered for one month before Rhonda starts putting out again and many pre-op trans women are joining the movement.

Rhonda has started a petition on outlining her goals and so far it has gathered 850 signatures.

Will she make a difference? We think so. Stay up to date here as we learn more on this ground breaking fight against bigotry and oppression.

“The primary image is Creative Commons and can be reused in any way under its current license”.


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