About us

2 teachers, stacking 10’s, 1 day at a time.

The Professor

The Professor graduated from college in 1998 with a degree in education and athletic coaching and no knowledge of personal finance. He has spent the last 20+ years teaching middle school kids how to become critical readers and about the history of the great state of Minnesota. During his teaching career, he has spent time coaching football, track, and basketball. He currently coaches football along with The T.A.

The professor has made many poor financial decisions during his years of teaching. He realized there were no lessons in personal finance during his college years. In his conversations with teaching colleagues, The Professor recognized an incredible lack of knowledge in money issues that deeply troubled him. With the help of The T.A., he began researching, learning, reading, and listening in hopes of helping other teachers to avoid the same pitfalls that plagued his early career.

The Professor has been married to his beautiful wife since 2001.  They have two teenage daughters who will soon be going off to college.

The T.A.

The TA graduated from college in 2012 with a degree in high school science. He has spent the last 7 years teaching a variety of high school science classes and coaching 2 sports.

Currently living the bachelor lifestyle in a mid-sized Midwestern city (pop. = 100,000) the T.A. brings a different financial perspective to the table. He spends most of his free time enjoying the outdoors, at the local brewery or trying to find the best hot wings in town.

While being slightly frugal most of his life, the T.A. has only recently started to fully commit to his finances with the goal of achieving F.I.R.E. sometime before his official retirement date without sacrificing mass amounts of his lifestyle.