Trolling for catfish: Slinky weight is key

Slinky weights, built with large split-shot or buckshot pellets stuffed into paracord and sealed inside, are much less likely to hang up when dragged across the bottom for catfish. (Photo by Phillip Gentry)
Slinky weights, built with large split-shot or buckshot pellets stuffed into paracord and sealed inside, are much less likely to hang up when dragged across the bottom for catfish. (Photo by Phillip Gentry)

Winter and spring catfishing generally involves site-specific fishing tactics such as anchored down, cut-bait fishing. However, from late June through November, catfish move around a lot, due to a number of factors, and one of the best ways to target them is to drift or troll.

Slinky weight

Since catfish are most productively targeted on or near the bottom, trolling for catfish may sound like an invitation to retie often and cuss a lot. To counter this, veteran catfish anglers employ a homemade trolling rig that places baits within reach of the bottom, yet still resists snags.

“The key to trolling or drifting is to use a Slinky weight,” said veteran angler Chris Simpson. “A lot of catfishermen make them by inserting 00 buckshot pellets into a 6-inch length of nylon paracord. It’s hollow, and you squeeze the shot into it like a sock.”

After heat-sealing the ends of the cord to hold the shot in place, a snap swivel is punched through one end of the weight and the main line slides through the eye of the swivel. A barrel swivel holds the weight away from the hook with a 3- to 4-foot leader in between. About midway down the leader, a 2-inch Styrofoam crappie float is attached. The float raises the baited hook off the bottom, just above head level to a prowling cat, while the Slinky weight holds the rig to the bottom and pulls over underwater structure without snagging.

On days with adequate wind, anglers can start their drifting runs upwind and drift across open sections of the lake. Days without wind require the use of a trolling motor to move the boat at .5 to .7 miles per hour.

About Phillip Gentry 24 Articles
Phillip Gentry is a freelance outdoor writer and photographer who says that if it swims, walks, hops, flies or crawls he’s usually not too far behind.