Planting the garden

So we just moved to the country in February.  We went from a small city yard, that we put patio stones over, to this 1.85 acre plot of land.  Our home, garage and motel take up a bit of the land but there is still lots to mow.  Actually we just got a lawn tractor a few weekends ago and now every week we have to mow the grass.  Last weekend we got the lawn sweeper to go behind to clear up all of the dead grass, it looks much better now.

On Mother’s Day I got a bunch of plants and created hanging baskets and planted some in the front garden, I think I’ll call that garden the Victory garden, and the two side gardens.  I even got mulch put on the two side gardens after they were all weeded.  Now I have to weed out the Victory garden and mulch that one too.  There is just so much to do when you have a bit of land.  I also want to create some edging around it to give it a border that is easy to mow around.

The last few weekends my husband has been making me raised beds for the vegetables.  I have so many to plant and this entire weekend is calling for rain which will surely slow down my planting efforts.  Of course I won’t be able to mow in the rain either.  Last week I got two of the front yards mowed and one lap around the back yard before the rain chased me inside then also.

My vegetable garden will really be something when it is finished.  We have the wood and hopefully the soil to complete 10 raised beds of 4′ x 8′, they are about 11″ high.  I planted one with cucumbers and one with tomatoes.  Some of my plants that were still in the nursery containers were not looking too good so I planted the lettuce and cabbage between the cucumbers for now.  I read that you can plant the lettuce between the cucumbers because the lettuce is ripe sooner and therefore the cucumbers still can spread out.  I still think I’d like to have them separate though.

I still have pumpkins, squash, zucchini, many peppers, sweet and hot, herbs and broccoli to plant.  There are probably a few more out there I forgot about.  I do not have carrots though, I think that you have to grow them from seed.  I am an amateur gardener but hope to become a master over the next few years.

Here is hoping the rain lets up for a few hours tomorrow so that I can get something put into the ground!

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