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Meet Ademuyiwa Adebola Taofeek, the young Digital Communication Expert training kids for free

“Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” ~ Kallam Anji Reddy

In every society in the world, skills, in addition to literacy, are indisputably distinguishing factors that set individuals apart in the talent pool and impact lives positively. This simple fact has made it imperative to equip children, especially in Nigeria, with modern-day skills in order to position them well for the future and ensure they contribute positively to society.

Aware of this and himself a product of acquired digital skills against all odds and despite majoring in a different field in school, Ademuyiwa Adebola Taofeek founded The Ademuyiwa Initiative For Education (TAIFED) in 2014 as a finalist with the aim of promoting literacy and skill acquisition in Nigeria.

The organization which had already visited rural communities in the South-West, North-West and South-South geo-political zones of the country where education is lagging to encourage parents and children with the donation of writing materials, books, and other nutritional items, upped the ante this year with the introduction of the ‘Skill All By Ademuyiwa Initiative’.

The initiative, which is remarkably free to participants therefore ensuring that access is open to all irrespective of social class, support young Nigerians with a knack for digital skills such as Digital Marketing, Graphics Design, Programming etc.

In its maiden edition which took place in Egan community in Lagos, about 300 participants showed up and in 4 days, they had the chance to learn from 13 seasoned facilitators who provided lessons in Photography, Cinematography, Programming, Bead Making, Baking, Digital Marketing, Graphics Design, and programming.

At the end of the training, they were also issued a certificate of participation as evidence of their newly acquired skills which, without doubt, will prove a turning point for many of them who now feel confident in their abilities and obtained validation for their dreams.

Speaking on the free training, Ademuyiwa Adebola Taofeek says “it is my dream to take this free training to other parts of Nigeria so as to help young Nigerians understand the need for skill acquisition and also contribute my own quota to reducing unemployment and poverty in Nigeria”.

In all, since 2014, Ademuyiwa Adebola Taofeek, through TAIFED and his Skill All initiative, has trained nearly 1000 Nigerians in organized educational schemes and programs he personally funds. Some of the participants have since found their feet and are now gainfully engaged in different enterprises, thereby fulfilling the desire of Ademuyiwa to reduce the unemployment rate in the country.

Digital skills and globalization which opens up an economy and individual talent to the world changed Ademuyiwa’s life – and in his magnanimity, he has offered to extend the change to other Nigerians, especially the downtrodden with less hopes for a better future.

He believes in possibilities and doesn’t think there is any obstacle too great to overcome. Certainly, with this mindset, and having successfully impacted about 1000 Nigerians, Ademuyiwa has more than enough motivation to continue in his journey to deliver education and digital skills to the remotest part of Nigeria.

The only way for TAIFED, under his able watch, is up.

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