National News

Oyetola Condoles Ogun Counterpart, Dapo Abiodun, Over Father’s Death

Governor of the State of Osun, Adegboyega Oyetola, has condoled his Ogun State counterpart, Governor Dapo Abiodun, over his father’s death.

The Governor, in a statement released by his Chief Press Secretary, Ismail Omipidan, on Monday shortly after the announcement of the patriarch’s demise, said that he received with shock news of the passage of Dr Emmanuel Adesanya Abiodun.

Governor Oyetola also commiserated with the entire Abiodun family of Iperu-Remo, Ogun State, urging them to take solace in the fact that Baba lived a fulfiled life and had gone to rest.

The Statement reads in part: “My family, the people and Government of the State of Osun mourn with you over the death of your father, Dr. Emmanuel Adesanya Abiodun, and express our heartfelt sympathies with you and the entire Abiodun family in this moment of grief.

“Baba lived a fulfilled life. He was a quintessential educationist who instilled the right knowledge and values in his children and other young ones. He was equally a proud father, grandfather and great grandfather who would be greatly missed.

“And most importantly, Dr. Emmanuel Adesanya Abiodun was an exemplary Christian who devoted himself to the service to God and humanity.

“I urge you and other members of the family to take solace in the fact that he has gone to rest in the bosom of his maker. I pray God to grant him eternal rest”, Oyetola said.

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