Crime and Metro

Suspected Herdsmen Hack Another Girl To Death In Ogun

It appears the killing of innocent persons in Yewa axis of Ogun State is yet to come to an end.

This is as another young lady has been sent to an early grave by individuals suspected to be Fulani herdsmen.

Elizabeth Pascal was said to have been gruesomely murdered on Monday at CAC Olorunda, Moriwi Community of Imeko-Afon Local Government.

DAILY POST gathered that Pascal had gone to the stream to fetch water for domestic use when she met her untimely death.

On her way back from the stream, the young lady had encountered her assailants, who, it was learnt, did not hesitate before hacking her to death in cold blood.

The Eselu of Iselu, Oba Akintunde Akinyemi, confirmed the incident to DAILY POST on Monday night.

Oba Akinyemi told our correspondent that Pascal was killed by suspected Fulani herdsmen, who have continued to terrorise the Yewa axis of Ogun State from time to time.

According to the traditional ruler, the incident happened around 3pm on Monday.

“Yes, it is true. The lady was killed today by Fulani herdsmen around Imeko Afon. She went to the stream and on her way coming she met the Fulani herdsmen and they killed her. It happened around 3 o’clock according to the report,” the Eselu stated.

DAILY POST recalls that attacks on communities in Yewa have been going on for the past three weeks, even as the Governor Dapo Abiodun government makes efforts to stem the tide.

To proffer a lasting solution, Gov Abiodun had visited some places in the troubled areas, with an assurance that criminal individuals would be dealt with.

The Governor promised to deploy a security task force to the area in order to stop the killing of Ogun indigenes.

But, Abiodun said those behind the killings in Ogun are not the peaceful Fulani people, who he said are traditionally herdsmen.

According to him, the perpetrators of the heinous act are bandits, who the governor described as cattle rustlers.

During his visit to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abiodun disclosed that relative peace is now being enjoyed in the affected areas.

However, residents of the area said they were still under siege, with many relocating to neighbouring Benin Republic to seek refuge.

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