I Love Paris in the Springtime

I Love Paris in the Springtime

May 6, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch

Springtime in Paris has a heavenly ring to it, but so does Canada’s province, Quebec City, Quebec where the French language wraps around you like a warm embrace from an old friend.

The French language, with its lyrical intonations and expressive gestures, filled the air. Initially, the language barrier seemed daunting. Yet, as we navigated through quaint streets and interacted with the locals, we discovered something profound: the language of faith and love transcends verbal communication.

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” (1 Corinthians 13:1) This scripture reminded me that love is the universal language and the true essence of communication, especially when words fail us.

In Quebec, spring brings with it a renewal of spirit and landscape. It’s a perfect backdrop for sharing our faith, not just through words but through actions. Whether it was sharing a smile with a stranger, helping a tourist find their way, or simply enjoying a quiet moment of prayer in a sunlit park, each action became a testament to our trust in God’s plan.

The Kingdom of God isn’t confined by geographical or linguistic boundaries. It’s as much at home in the streets of Quebec as in a Parisian café. In Quebec, speaking about my faith involved more than just translating language; it was about translating the Kingdom culture. It was about showing patience, kindness, and generosity, embodying the fruits of the Spirit in everyday interactions.

Each conversation, whether fumbling through my limited French or connecting with fellow English speakers, became a bridge of faith. These interactions, though simple, were profound. They reminded me that our role as Kingdom ambassadors is to convey God’s love in every language, including the universal language of kindness.

My heart swelled with a sense of divine purpose. “I love Paris in the springtime” is not just a line from a song; it’s a sentiment that captures seeing God in the details of life, in the beauty of creation, and in the hearts of people speaking in tongues I barely understand.

As we walked through Quebec, each step was a prayer and each interaction a hymn, in our ongoing faith journey. Like the languages we speak, faith adapts and thrives in every environment, teaching us that above all, love is the greatest translator of all.

In this beautiful French-speaking part of the world, God’s kingdom message resonated within me and reminded me that no matter where we are, the language of His love always finds a way to speak directly to our hearts.