Can the presence of exalted planets in the 7th house indicate a successful and fulfilling marriage? Read here

The 7th house is the house of marriage, partnership, attraction, opposite sex, external influence, sexual life, your spouse, spouse nature & qualities, your interests, married life, etc.

The strength, planets, and placements of your 7th house lord tell about your married life, spouse, spouse qualities, and nature. Venus is a natural karaka planet of 7th house.

The presence of exalted planets in the 7th house means a partner may have good qualities, good behavior, good nature or education or good family background.

But Married life depends upon-

  1. Placement of 7th house lord
  2. Aspects over 7th house & it lord
  3. Yes, planets in 7th house
  4. Running Mahadasha & Antradasha.
  5. Gochar/Transit position of planets.

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Essential To Home Vastu

Putting an idol of the Sun in the house where valuables are kept does not cause financial problems. Placing a Sun God idol in a business or retail space is regarded as being extremely lucky. The sun, which puts an end to your life’s gloom and brings the joy of light, is a potent emblem of prosperity and vitality.

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