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The Trench Coat Edit


Classic Trench Coat Style
How to style a trench coat

Is an Autumn wardrobe even complete without a trench coat? I feel like every time the leaves start dropping, all the bloggers start harpering on about trench coats and why they’re such a wardrobe staple but here me out.


A trench coat really is the most versatile item you can have in your wardrobe and something that I couldn’t recommend enough. If you scroll back through my posts, my feed and my channels it won’t take you long to realise that my trench coat is an item I bring out time and time again.


Burberry Trench Coat Style

Shop The Burberry Trench Coat


I was lucky enough to get my hands on a classic neutral Burberry coat second hand about 3 years ago and, let me tell you, I’ve never looked back. I absolutely adore my Burberry and have really understood the meaning of cost per wear. If I knuckled down and worked out the exact cost per wear I reckon we’d be in the pennies by this point.


But a trench coat doesn’t always have to be a huge investment piece money-wise. No matter what budget you’re on, there are so many trench options out there. I thought that I would put together a little trench-coat edit seeing as though I am a walking catalogue of why you need a trench in your wardrobe.


Trench Coat Style For Any Budget

So no matter what your budget is, there will be an option here for you.

