Texas Tries to Get Back on Track in Stillwater

There are a lot of caveats to this, but Texas has lost three of its last four.

The caveats are that one was against Baylor, who has a reasonable chance to finish the season undefeated; one was by a point to Oklahoma, and came without two starters and the seventh man; and one was a two-point final-seconds defeat at the hands of Texas Tech. Every loss is understandable. All three losses are understandable. The Texas Tech loss is disappointing, but the others aren’t. This is basketball this year.

Still, would be nice for the Horns to get back in the win column today in Stillwater.

The Game

Texas @ Oklahoma State

The Time

2:00 PM Texas Time

The Television

ABC. Network TV.

The Opponent

Oklahoma State. Not entirely out of the NIT picture but not in the NITuation or anything.

What Texas Needs to Do

Get back in the win column. We already said that.

On the Court

Starts with slowing down Cade Cunningham, of course, but really, Texas just needs to play its game. The Longhorns are the better team.

That said, it’d be nice if Texas’s game today included stopping second-chance points. Because that’s an area where the Pokes might hurt ‘em.

Go Horns.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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