What is Your Birth Month Plant? Unveil its Personality & Needs

What is Your Birth Month Plant? Unveil its Personality & Needs

I was blown away when I first found out that my birth month plant is the Pilea Peperomioides, a.k.a. the Chinese Money Plant!


Well, if you don’t follow me on Instagram, you can’t possibly be aware of my obsession with this plant! I have at least six in my house, and I have propagated over 40 in the span of three years!

If you know me, and have read the two blog posts on Growing Pileas and Propagating Pileas, you are NOT surprised at all! In-fact, you may even think: “Yep, that’s Bang On!!”.

So, when I accidentally stumbled upon one of the many charts showing the house plants representing each zodiac sign, and saw that the Pilea was my plant, I was flabbergasted!!!

That’s when I decided to dig a bit deeper into my research to find out if there was in-fact a connection between Astrology Zodiac Signs and plants.

While I couldn’t find any scientific based article or proof, I was able to determine that each zodiac sign has its own unique trait, just like every plant species does.

I always recommend people to choose their plants not based on trends, but mostly on their environment and lifestyle. Wouldn’t be great if one (or more) of these plants was chosen based on your personality traits as well?

A plant that shares some aspects of your personality, can promote an energy that blends well with your own.

The right plant can help you balance the positive and negative sides of your personality, creating a more peaceful and conducive space.

All plants carry meaning and symbolism. Imagine how powerful, (and extra meaningful), can be for you to find and grow your birth month plant!

Before we dive into the 12 zodiac signs and its associated house plants, I wanted to clarify that I am no Astrologer, nor Psychic.

All the information gathered in this blog post comes from my personal research.

The information on the Astrology Zodiac Signs comes from horoscope.com.



Mar. 21 – Apr. 19

Eager, dynamic, quick and competitive.

Zebra Cactus

It’s a total fluke that this Haworthia is carrying a cheering flag…My daughter put it there for me! It certainly renders the idea of eagerness and competitiveness typical of Aries!

This succulent is very independent, needing very little care. It will do great in bright light, with water only when it feels dry to the touch. It’s also one of the few non-toxic succulents safe for cats.

birth month plant


Apr. 20 – May 20

Strong, dependable, sensual and creative.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Figs are not the easiest plants to care for! But the strong Taurus personality is the perfect match to this challenging plant!

The secret with the Fiddle Leaf Fig is to find the perfect spot for it. However, this plant does not like to be moved! So, make sure you have a very bright spot with some direct light in your home. Water it once a week, so that the soil doesn’t dry out completely between waterings. Mist it regularly to keep its surrounding air humidity as high as possible.

If you are a Taurus, click here for more on the Fiddle Leaf Fig!

Fiddle Leaf Fig


May 21 – Jun. 20

Versatile, expressive, curious and kind.


Versatility is the perfect noun (and trait) to describe this plant. Much like many Geminis, the Philodendron can adapt to an array of different environments without suffering. Its long and constantly growing vines are the perfect metaphor for the Geminis curiosity.

Despite its adaptability, this plant thrives in bright, indirect light, and can be watered every 1 or 2 weeks.

birth month plant


Jun. 21 – Jul. 22

Intuitive, sentimental, compassionate and protective.

Aloe Vera

Ever since the time of Cleopatra, the Aloe Vera has symbolized healing and protection; traits that describe Cancers really well.

This medicinal succulent in quite easy to grow indoors. It thrives in bright, direct light and does well with little water. It is important for this plant to be potted in a well draining pot, as its roots are prone to root rot.

The Aloe Vera is one of the easiest succulents to grow indoors.

birth month plant

Hey Midlife Mom!

Do you constantly feel inadequate and ‘not enough’?

Do you feel like despite your best efforts, everything you do goes unnoticed?

To receive my FREE Women Empowerment: 5 Steps to Overcoming ‘I am Not Enough’ and Embracing Your Worth 


Jul. 23 – Aug. 22

Dramatic, outgoing, fiery and self-assured.

Monstera Deliciosa

Dramatic is right! The Monstera Deliciosa beautiful fenestrated leaves demand attention as much as the confident and fiery Leos do! This plant thrives in plenty of bright, indirect light. It loves high humidity and water when the top soil feels dry to the touch. 

I recommend learning how to train a Monstera, because it grows fast!

Monstera Deliciosa


Aug. 23 – Sep. 22

Practical, loyal, gentle and analytical.


For centuries, Orchids have symbolized grace and beauty. While they are easy to grow indoors, they do require patience to bloom, which the gentle Virgo has plenty of. They are a symbol of loyalty and long-lasting friendship when gifted.

Orchids can be watered with 3 ice cubes per week and require bright light but no direct sun.

The Orchid is a Feng Shui plant and it is rich with symbolism.

birth month plant


Sep. 23 – Oct. 22

Social, fair-minded, diplomatic and gracious.

Peace Lily

Another plant with a lot of symbolism, the Peace Lily is know as a sign of peace, which makes it ideal for the fair-minded and diplomatic Libras.

This plant is heavily used in Feng Shui practices and its care is often under-estimated. In The Truth About The Peace Lily blog post I cover all the care aspects of this plant. For now, you need to know that it thrives in bright, indirect light, it loves high humidity and it is best under-watered rather than the opposite. This plants enjoys having its roots tight in its pot and it is actually a good way to make it bloom!

birth month plant


Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Passionate, stubborn, resourceful and brave.

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is one of the easiest plants that one can have. They are hard to kill, which is a trait they have in common with the resourcefulness, stubborness and bravery of Scorpios.

They adapt to any light conditions, from bright to very low. They require little water and humidity. The come in many different varieties and sizes.

birth month plant


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Extroverted, optimistic, funny and generous.

Rubber Plant

The Rubber Plant is considered an ideal match for Sagittariuses as it symbolizes wealth, abundance and happiness. Its glossy leaves attract a lot of attention, as much as extroverts do.

This is a low maintenance plant that requires bright, indirect light. While it needs to be watered once a week during the growing season, it goes dormant during the winter, only requiring water every three week.

It is important to keep this plant into a well draining pot.

birth month plant


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Serious, independent, disciplined and tenacious.

Dragon Tree (Dracaena)

Disciplined and organized Capricorns need a plant with structure, such as the Dragon Tree. Trailing plants with long and tangly stems will be too much for Capricorns, while the straight and linear trunks of Dracaenas are much more appealing.

Madagascar Dragon Trees are low maintenance and are excellent air purifying plants.

They thrive in bright, indirect light and they are drought resistant, only needing water when the soil feels dry to the touch.

birth month plant


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Deep, imaginative, original and uncompromising.

Pilea Peperomioides

There is no doubt that this plant is original! Its uniqueness will catch the attention and provoke the curiosity of many. Just like Aquariuses do.

The Pilea is incredibly easy to propagate. It needs bright, indirect light to thrive and water when it feels dry to the touch. This plant grows fast, so it needs liquid plant food every two weeks during the growing season and once a month in Winter. 

It loves to have its roots tight into its well draining pot, so don’t rush repotting it!



Feb. 19 – Mar. 20

Affectionate, empathetic, wise and artistic.

Birds of Paradise Plant

The Birds of Paradise Plant is the perfect pick for Pisces, known for their great empathy and affection. They need a loyal and long lasting plant they can watch grow and love.

In-fact, the Strelitzia, is a fast growing and low maintenance tall indoor plant especially recommended for large spaces. It requires a lot of bright light, even some hours of direct light, (ideally southern), and enough water to maintain its soil moist but not too soggy. Being the Pisces a water sign, this plant too thrives in high humidity, so make sure to mist it every time you water it!

Birds of Paradise

Have you found your birth month plant?

Does it make sense to you?

Do you feel like it resonates with you as much as the Pilea does with me?

I hope you can find your plant match and enjoy a long loving relationship!

Hey Midlife Mom!

Do you constantly feel inadequate and ‘not enough’?

Do you feel like despite your best efforts, everything you do goes unnoticed?

To receive my FREE Women Empowerment: 5 Steps to Overcoming ‘I am Not Enough’ and Embracing Your Worth 

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