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Hudson police officers to grow beards for Special Olympics fundraiser


HUDSON, N.H. — Normally, the nationally accredited Hudson Police Department’s “no-beards” appearance code emulates that of the New York Yankees.

For the next five weeks, however, residents may notice their police officers start to look more like Boston Red Sox players.

Through February until March 8, officers will do their best imitations of Jonny Gomes and Mike Napoli, growing beards for a worthy cause.

The bearded officers are participating in a unique fundraiser for Special Olympics New Hampshire, making a donation to Special Olympics “for this rare opportunity to grow facial hair,” the department announced.

The beard-growing effort is being called the “Donate to Insulate” fundraiser. Hudson police will have a team of officers participating in the Special Olympics’ annual “Winni Dip” at Lake Winnipesaukee on March 8.

“Hopefully the beards will help the officers keep extra warm while jumping into the cold water,” said Master Patrol Officer Alan Marcotte.

Anyone interested in making a donation to Hudson police on behalf of Special Olympics New Hampshire for the Winni Dip may stop by the station at 1 Constitution Drive, or they can make a donation through the website:

Those interested in taking the Winni Dip along with Hudson police can learn more about the event at:

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