Johnson Sells Out Americans

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It is always helpful to remember that those in elite political circles do what they are told to do by the intelligence community.  Funding for Ukraine is the highest priority right now.  All the DC politicians and beltway pundits are pushing the same story.  And we all know why.  Without such funding, the money laundering spigot would drop to a trickle.

Speaker Mike Johnson is one of the “gang-of-eight” members within the legislative branch.  The Gang of 8 are briefed and controlled by the intelligence community, using the exact same intelligence given to the President.  Speaker Johnson has the funding of Ukraine as his top priority.  Why?  Because the intelligence community officials who set priorities have told him it must be.

What do the IC have on Johnson?  Let’s be reminded that Senator Schumer has stated publicly that the intelligence community has “seven ways to Sunday” to get someone if one crosses them.

(Via Fox News) – […] 

Johnson highlighted three details specifically – the first being the REPO Act introduced in the House last year by Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, which would liquidate seized Russian assets and send that as assistance to Ukraine. 

The speaker also pointed out that former President Trump recently floated the idea of aid to Ukraine in the form of a loan, though he did not mention specific terms save for Kyiv paying Washington back if they win the war against Russia.

[…] Johnson described the third proposal, “And then, you know, we want to unleash American energy. We want to have natural gas exports that will help unfund Vladimir Putin’s war effort there.”

Let’s breakdown what Johnson had to say.  Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been kind enough to do this.

Let’s take the first item, the Repo Act.  This provides the legislative authority to steal the property of others because we do not like the way their government is acting.  Please note that this is private property that we would be taking.  Doesn’t our Bill of Rights have something against doing just this?

Let’s also be reminded that America, the UK , France, et al, started the war back in 2014 with the Maiden Coup.  We ousted the legitimately elected government because their President was friendly with Russia.  We built 12 “secret” bases along the Russian border.  Of course, these were secret only to America.  The Russians knew they were there.

We allowed 14,000+ ethnic Russians in Ukraine’s eastern provinces to be murdered by the neo-Nazi Ukrainian Azov regiment.  We allowed many thousands more to be tortured.  Now, we want Russian private citizens to pay to reconstruct Ukraine.  Insane!

As long as the false narrative that Russia invaded Ukraine remains in place, the absurdity of “protecting democracy” will continue.  The dynamic that keeps the scam going is that “bad Russia” invaded Ukraine and nothing else matters.

What will happen if America actually tried to do this?  China and Saudi Arabia hold tons of US debt.  What would they do if America tried to seize the assets of private Russian citizens?

Putin has issued this wake-up call.

“Recent events have convincingly shown that the image of the West as a safe haven, a refuge for capital, is a phantom, a fake.

“Launch new projects, make money, invest in Russia.  This is how you will multiply your capital and earn people’s recognition and gratitude for generations to come.”

Second, Senator Graham and Speaker Johnson are floating this trial balloon of making a loan.  America would just lend some money to Ukraine.  Such monies would be repaid when Ukraine wins.  This is hilarious.  The eastern provinces are no longer part of Ukraine and will not be after the end of this war.  Ukraine has obviously no chance of winning.  So, this loan is most likely a payoff, an exit route for corrupt officials.

The Ukrainian forces may capitulate before the summer is over.  Johnson and Graham are just trying to see if they can fool enough Americans with this nonsense about a loan that would be repaid.  A question.  Speaking of corruption, where did Zelenskyy get the money ($20 million?) to buy Highgrove House from King Charles?

Calling it a loan is like pissing down my back and telling me it’s raining.

War is just a racket. A racket is best described as something that is not what it seems to be to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.

Third, increased natural gas exports.  This is supposed to be good for America. First, of course, this administration is against removing anything from the ground connected to fossil fuels.  They have stopped the regulatory process that would increase such exports.  And just who would benefit from increased natural gas sales?

Second, the so-called sanctions against Russia have been a big bust.  Russia has just increased its natural gas sales to other nations.

In fact, weakening Russia was not the purpose of the sanctions at all.  Its purpose was to build a wall around America so that Americans could not participate in the world economy.

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, knows that Russia is losing.  This is his latest pronouncement from his clown office:

“The sooner we can convince Moscow that it will not win on the battlefield, the sooner we will be able to reach a peace agreement in which Russia understands that it cannot win the war, but must sit down and negotiate an agreement in which Ukraine will become a sovereign, independent state”

Obviously, this strategy can’t be seriously aimed at Russia. Russia knows it’s winning and also knows that there’s no trustworthy official in the West which whom they can deal—certainly not on the terms suggested by Stoltenberg.

Senator Graham makes a final point that combining this with border security could be a winning package.  This is ridiculous.  All the necessary authorities are already in place to stop the invasion across our southern border.  This administration refuses to uphold their oaths.  What makes Graham think passing additional border laws would change anything?

Any “border deal” is going to be a toothless, worthless deal.  This is just more of the Uniparty Two-Step on the Potomac, just another song and dance pretending to “solve a problem” that they created.

Graham knows better.  This is just a sop to the public to distract us from the real corruption that is going on. These two are trying to move the window of public opinion so that the money laundering operation that is Ukraine can continue.

Who will benefit from this “funding deal?”  Where is Blackrock in all of this?  If we start from the idea that the US government is evil, then the answer to that question is easy.

Any legislation proposed by Johnson should be dead on arrival in the House.  However, too many House members are beholding to those who do not represent America’s values.  It is time to let our elected reps know that we are onto them.  We may have failed to hold them accountable in the past.  It is far past time that we do so.