Davao City Police Office Now COVID-19 Free


Davao City – The city’s top cop bared that the Davao City Police Office is now COVID-19 free.

Police Colonel Kirby John Kraft, director of the Davao City Police Office revealed that two of his personnel who were classified as COVID-19 positive have finally recovered from the infection.

“All police personnel under the DCPO are in pink of health,” he said.

Kraft urged the public to observe the basic health protocol with the long weekend.

The DCPO chief expects that the people would once again go to public convergence like malls, public markets, and beach and inland resorts.

He urged the public to observe the basic health protocol where ever they are like to avoid crowding or social gathering.

Kraft also bared that the ongoing construction of the Ecoland Police Station, Los Amigos Station and the Bajada Station is ongong.

He said a total of 20 police stations have been activated in Davao City with five precincts under building construction.

Kraft said that in reality, only 15 police precincts are operational, but the five others will go on full blast once they have their corresponding buildings.
(Joey Sem G. Dalumpines, PIA XI | Michael Manguhig, RPN DXKT Davao OIC)

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