41 - How To Choose a Niche for your Blog katherine mclee
Starting a Blog

How To Choose A Niche For Your Blog: Tips For Getting It Right First Time

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In this post we will go over how to choose a niche for your blog.

Starting your own blog is an exciting thing! 

Anyone – in theory – can blog about anything. 

If you’re blogging as a hobby and wish to blog on a huge range of topics – absolutely go for it!

This post is more geared to those who know that either in the near future or distant future, want to make money from their blog.

Whether you have chosen to start a blog for yourself or as a business (or a bit of both), will make a difference as to what sort of niche you should go for!

You may already know what topics you want to blog about – which is great!

It’s worth making sure you can monetise your chosen topic. Nowadays most topics can make you money though, so don’t worry too much!

Another way to go is to choose a topic you are already qualified in. Experts – in any field – are always valuable to a reader!

But what about those of you who want to start a blog to make money from, but have no idea what to blog about?

What are the most profitable blog niches?

Can you make money from any niche?

If you are wanting to blog as a business, you do need to choose a niche.

(I say “need”, you don’t “need” to do anything, but starting with a niche will help you grow SO much faster than if you didn’t have a niche.)

Why Should You Choose A Niche For Your Blog?

Choosing a niche for your blog is important for several reasons:

  1. When you choose a specific niche, you are targeting a specific audience who are interested in that particular topic. Often referred to as your target audience. By catering to a specific audience, you can create content that is more relevant and engaging, which can help build a loyal readership. You want people to know and trust your information, and this is a more streamlined process if they can “connect” you to a certain area of expertise. 
  1. By focusing on a specific niche, you can create content that targets specific keywords and phrases related to your niche. Search engine optimization (SEO)! If SEO confuses you, read this simplified explanation which will help clear up any confusion! This can then in turn help improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for your target audience and readers to find your blog.
  1. When you focus on a specific niche, you can establish yourself as an authority in that area. This is when people – and search engines – know that you know what you’re talking about and that the information you are sharing is high-quality! Having authority and credibility in a niche can boost your content ranking as you’ll be seen as a trustworthy source of information. By consistently creating high-quality, informative, and relevant content, you can build credibility and trust with your audience, which can help you grow your blog’s reputation! 
  1. A blog in a specific and defined niche is often more attractive to advertisers and sponsors. This part is key if you are wanting to monetise your blog. Advertisers are usually looking for blogs with specific audiences. If your blog has a clearly defined niche, you may be more likely to attract advertisers or sponsors who want to reach that audience. For example if you’re in the food niche for your blog, you’re more likely to get an advertiser promoting kitchenware, than lawnmowers! 
  1. Choosing a niche that you’re passionate about and interested in is crucial. It can help you stay motivated and focused on your blog. Blogging requires consistent effort over time. It’s honestly such a long game! This means it’s important to choose a niche that you enjoy and can sustain your interest over the long term. Passion and focus will help so much when you are constantly creating new and fresh content for your blog! Blogging requires a lot of time and effort, so it’s essential to choose a topic that you genuinely enjoy and are willing to invest time in. Consider your hobbies, interests, and skills when choosing a niche.

From the points above you may have an idea of a niche you are interested in. 

Your niche can change over time, and that’s okay! In the early stages it will benefit you a lot more to have a fairly strict niche. Keeping the majority of your content within your chosen niche will help Google and other search engines to understand what your blog is about, and who to show it to. 

What Are Some Of The Most Popular Blogging Niches?

There are countless niches that bloggers can choose from. Choosing something lower competition is always recommended but you can make a success of nearly any niche you choose with the right strategies!

Here are some of the most popular niches:

  1. Personal development and self-improvement. This niche is huge for 2023! It covers topics related to self-improvement, personal growth, and lifestyle habits and changes.
  1. Health and wellness. This blog niche covers topics related to physical and mental health, nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Be careful offering nutritional advice etc if you’re not qualified to do so, but sharing a love of health and fitness is always popular!
  1. Travel. The travel niche covers topics related to travel destinations, tips, and guides for travellers.
  1. Finance and money. This niche covers topics related to personal finance, investing, saving, and making money. Again, please be careful to only offer specific financial advice if qualified to do so. If you aren’t qualified but still want to go into the financial niche, saving tips and ways to budget could be the way to go!
  1. Technology. This niche covers topics related to technology news, reviews, tutorials, and guides. As technology is always moving on, there are never ending posts to be written here!
  1. Beauty and fashion. The beauty and fashion niches cover topics related to fashion trends, makeup, skincare, haircare, and beauty products. A fashion niche may be a little hard going due to its immense popularity over recent years, but don’t let that put you off if that’s your chosen niche!
  1. Food and recipes. This niche covers topics related to recipes, cooking techniques, food trends, and food photography. Again food blogging niches are highly popular, but finding a way to put your own spin on your recipes may just be what someone is looking for! 
  1. Parenting and family. The parenting or family niche can cover topics related to parenting, family dynamics, education, and child development. People will always need this!
  1. Entertainment. The entertainment niche covers topics related to movies, TV shows, music, and celebrity news. With there always being new movies and TV shows etc coming out, there is again a never ending supply of content that can be written.
  1. DIY and home improvement. This niche covers topics related to home improvement, interior design, DIY projects, and home decor. DIYs and crafts have also gained a lot of popularity in recent years! Be it home improvement or seasonal decor.
  1. Pets. The pet niche covers topics related to pet care, pet wellness, product reviews, and even stories and videos. 

These are just a few examples of the most popular niches, but there are countless others that bloggers can explore. The key is to find a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise, and that has the potential to attract a large, enthusiastic audience.

There are lots of less popular niches too. If you are really into one small, specific topic, then choose this! The list above is just to give some general ideas to those who need some inspiration.

At the bottom of this post I will include a list of different niches for more inspiration to help you to choose a niche for your blog!

As much as I said you can choose any niche you like, you can. But there are certain criteria it would be best if your niche could fit.

  1. Research Your Target Audience

Once you have a list of potential niches, research your target audience. Who are they, and what are they interested in? Understanding your audience’s needs and desires can help you choose a niche that will resonate with them. Plus this makes sure there is an audience out there for your niche!

  1. Check Out The Competition

It’s important to check out the competition in your chosen niche. Look at other blogs and websites in your niche and see what they’re doing well and where there are gaps. This can help you determine if your niche is too saturated or if there are opportunities for you to provide something unique. Always do in depth keyword research for any posts. But hitting those long-tail keywords will give you the edge you will need.

  1. Work Out How You Can Monetise

While you should choose a niche that you’re passionate about, it’s also essential to consider the profitability of your niche. Will there be potential for monetisation through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or other means? Working out – in advance where possible – how you can monetise your blog when the time is right, will save a lot of heartache in the future if it doesn’t end up being possible. 

(This post goes over the most popular ways to monetise your blog.)

  1. Consider Your Long-term Goals

When choosing a niche, it’s also essential to consider your long-term goals. Do you want to turn your blog into a full-time business? If so, it’s important to choose a niche with growth potential and that can sustain a full-time income.

As mentioned above, having a trusted, authoritative blog can set you steps ahead in your niche. Becoming a known and trusted name in your chosen industry can be amazing for expanding your brand into a bigger business if you should choose.

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Should You “Niche Down” Your Blog Niche?

The term niche down refers to having a niche, and making it smaller and even more specific. It can also be known as a micro niche! It depends how much you niche down.

All of the niches mentioned above are general/broad niches. 

Narrowing down your blog niche can be a smart move if you want to create a blog that truly stands out and attracts a specific audience!

All the niches mentioned above are fairly broad niches. 

An example of this would be:

A blog in the Beauty niche is in a broad niche.

Whereas, a blog in the beauty niche but only talks about vegan eye makeup, is a niched down blog niche.

Both could be good choices! The vegan eye makeup niche is going to get found on Google sooner, but is more limited in terms of content.

Consider your passions and interests, research your target audience, check out the competition, determine the profitability of your niche, and consider your long-term goals. With these tips in mind, you can choose a niche that you’re passionate about and that has the potential to attract a dedicated audience.

Niching down isn’t always necessary. It ultimately depends on your goals for your blog and the audience you want to attract. If you want to appeal to a wide range of readers and cover a variety of topics, a broader niche may be the way to go. Ultimately, the most important thing is to create content that you’re passionate about and that resonates with your readers!

In summary, choosing a niche for your blog requires careful consideration. Choosing the right blog niche is important for audience engagement, SEO, authority and credibility, monetisation and your own passion and focus. By choosing a niche that you are passionate about and that has a dedicated audience, you can create a successful and fulfilling blog that you can then successfully monetise!

Here is a list of niche ideas for any extra inspiration:

  • Personal development
  • Health and wellness
  • Beauty and skincare
  • Parenting and family
  • Home organisation and cleaning
  • Cooking and recipes
  • Travel and tourism
  • Personal finance and budgeting
  • Entrepreneurship and small business
  • Fashion and style
  • DIY and home improvement
  • Education and teaching
  • Entertainment and pop culture
  • Book reviews and recommendations
  • Gaming
  • Mental health and self-care
  • Fitness and exercise
  • Sports and outdoor activities
  • Music and concerts
  •  Art and design
  • Gardening and landscaping
  • Green living and sustainability
  •  Productivity and time management
  •  Photography and videography
  •  Technology and gadget reviews
  •  Personal branding and marketing
  • Social media and digital marketing
  • Career advice and job search tips
  • Online courses and education
  • Pet care and animal lovers
  • Food and drink
  • Wedding planning and inspiration
  • Event planning and hosting
  • Interior design and home decor
  • Beauty and makeup tutorials
  • Faith and spirituality
  • Fashion and accessories
  • Hobbies and crafts
  • Cars and car problem troubleshooting
  • Languages and linguistics
  • Self-defence and martial arts
  • History and culture
  • Weather and climate
  • Science and technology
  • Alternative medicine and holistic health
  • Philosophy and ethics
  • Environmental issues and conservation
  • Personal finance and investing
  • Life hacks and productivity tips
  • Education and career
  • Food and drink reviews
  • Creativity and art
  • Science news and analysis
  • Yoga and meditation guides
  • Entrepreneurship and small business advice
  • Social media and content creation tips
  • Influencer marketing and brand partnerships
  • Photography tips and tutorials
  • Digital art and design tutorials
  • Creative writing and storytelling
  • Poetry and literature
  • Foreign language learning and resources
  • Wine and spirits reviews and guides
  • Science fiction and fantasy literature and media
  • Celebrity fashion
  • Health and wellness product reviews
  • Financial planning
  • Outdoor activities and adventure sports
  • World travel and cultural exploration
  • Lifestyle and culture trends and analysis

The most profitable niches are the ones you can have multiple streams of income from. This is more likely in product or service based blogs. You’re far more likely to make money from a gaming equipment niche than a news niche. That said, you just need to work out the right monetisation strategy for you and your blog!

I hope this has helped you reach some clarity over the best niche for your new blog!

Choosing A Domain Name For Your Niche

Once you have chosen a niche for your blog, you can then choose a domain name.

I quickly wanted to mention domain name choices.

As long as you don’t lock your niche into your domain name, you can always change the niche down the line. You may start off in a really small, specific niche and then want to expand. That is absolutely okay! 

The tricky part would be if your domain name had the name of that small niche in the URL.

As an example, say I had a blog on gardening. 

If I started off in a specific niche and was only talking about rose care or growing tomatoes, I would still stick to something like “katherinesgarden.com” and not “katherineonlygrowstomatoes.com” – if you catch my drift!

Leave yourself room for growth – pun intended! 

If you are in a micro niche that you have always been passionate about and know there is enough content to keep updating your blog for years to come then of course choose a specific domain name!

For the majority of people though, you are better going for a slightly more generic domain name. This then saves you ever feeling like you have run out of content ideas! It also allows you to branch out more than you initially thought you would.

Just something to keep in mind!

Hopefully this has helped you decide what direction you want to go in with your blog!

This post was designed to explain how to choose a niche for your blog.

If you already have a blog, did you know what you wanted to blog about before you started your blog?

What made you choose the niche you are in now?

Are you in a broad niche or more of a micro niche?

Let us know in the comments below!

Speak soon

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