Home CMMG The blatant hypocrisy of GBRS Group.

The blatant hypocrisy of GBRS Group.

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  1. Timeline matters
    Sep 2nd 2021: Slade teases the FEER for the first time in an sc.irregulars Instagram post.

    Sep 30th 2021: GBRS Group releases a YouTube video entitled “GBRS GROUP- Knowledge Transfer Optic Mount Edition” in which DJ talks about the irrelevancy of cheek risers.

    Jul 16th 2022: GBRS group announces the release of their own cheek riser.

    We can’t let Garth Brooks R*** Survivors Group keep getting away with it.

  2. You can think something is stupid and still recognize there is a market for that stupid thing. Solgw recently released chf barrels simply for that reason, and they said as much in the podcast talking about it.

  3. Just because DJ stated he doesn't care for them doesn't mean other team members don't or the company can't or shouldn't sell them to customers who do that is what a company does and cheek risers have been on the market for years so sue for what infringement. Someone get the mangisil. We have some chafed manginas here damn 😿 🤠 the 🤬 up and most in here running their mouths can't even carry DJ's boots

  4. Don’t get me wrong, they’re goofy…but holding opinions differing from what you offer as an option is just a free market at work. Supply meets demand.

  5. People were asking for a product the owner of a company didn’t personally use. Thats hypocritical to an infant but good business sense for a guy that sells stuff for a living. Do you think every company owner likes every product they’ve ever sold? I don’t know about you but new ideas come and go and my opinion can change. I’d hate to be one of those people that can’t learn and adapt. I thought being able to adapt was one of those things operators took pride in. With their plans going to sh!t after the first bullet is fired and all that blah blah blah. Did you right that guy off cause he said that one thing and then decided to sell it? You must think everyone’s a piece of sh!t. You said you didn’t like the color green but you’re wearing a shirt that’s green. It’s unforgivable. You are dead to me. Fukn hypocrite.

  6. The AR platform has everything directly in line with the bore. Simply adding less riser to your sight would provide for a better cheek weld with an AR than some gimmicky product that catches your beard hairs anyway.

    The AR needs no cheek riser for a 50mm scopr mounted up on their rails. Cheek weld on a SOPMOD stock is great for basically every sight you can have on the gun.

  7. Hey hey now. Don’t bully gbrs group. If dj gets mad he just may go and cheat on his wife again 😂😂😂 dude I have a better chance at passing the bar exam without studying than this dude does at staying faithful

  8. I mean theyre a business. I think 10 round pmags are dumb but people want 10 round pmags. If I were the CEO of magpul I want you to buy the product from me, not someone else, despite thinking theyre dumb. If GOOONers will pay 70 bucks for a piece of plastic, they deserve it.

  9. Lmfao we made our cheek risers since the 90's, neither of these fuckers didn't created it they just marketed it for the idiots who can't make there own.

  10. It’s called being a smart business man, sure he might not see the use of it for him, but there is a market. I’m sure the ceo of Nike doesn’t train Ironman but the company still produces swim caps. Come on bro.

  11. See the problem here is you all hyped up these ex special force navy seals Rambo’s commandos Camachos lol and have them on a pedestal like they’re gods. A bunch of grown men that are groupies for these dirty beard having mofos. Sad lol shake my head

  12. I read a comment on yt where they called it Goobers Group. Hahaha.
    The yt video shows an employee called the cops on a colleague for stealing a package. It wasnt stolen as they found it a little while later.
    The cops then conspire with that arsehole employee, to try to charge him for anything they can.
    They can't so they release him. Goobers group still fires that innocent man. Goodbers Group. Yeah!

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