Home AR-15 My AR 15 Pistol and Accessories

My AR 15 Pistol and Accessories


#palmettostatearmory #aeroprcision #arpistol #eotech #zenitco

Today I go over my main home defense weapon.
My AR 10.5 inch pistol

thank you my people for coming by!
my parts list is below.. irecommend to copy it then paste in google to get a website that sells it…
Primary Arms has been the best by far.. parts and 2day shipping on point

PSA 10.5″ Carbine-Length 5.56 NATO 1/7 Phosphate 12″ Slant M-Lok MOE+ EPT SBA3 Pistol Kit

EOTech EXPS2-0 Holographic Weapon Sight

ZenitCo Perst-4 gen.2 dual red visible/IR tactical laser designator

Radian Raptor Ambidextrous AR-15 Charging Handle

AR15 Stripped Lower Receiver, Gen 2 – Anodized Black

Aero Precision AR-15 Carbine Buffer Kit – MIL-SPEC

Aero Precision AR-15 Standard Lower Parts Kit

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  1. just ordered the same upper parts kit but i got the sig optic with mine. I also have a aero stripped lower as well. I ordered from sb tactical an h2 buffer and buffer spring,hopefully psa can ship it out fast.

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