Home AR-15 Cheap AR 15's Compared: How Does Palmetto State Armory Stack Up?

Cheap AR 15's Compared: How Does Palmetto State Armory Stack Up?


I’ve been shooting PSA rifles for years and have found them to be adequately accurate, incredibly affordable, and PERFECTLY reliable. But how do they stack up against similar budget AR’s? Let’s find out. See my pinned comment for some great deals on PSA gear.
CORRECTION: We did not shoot 168 and 175 gr bullets! My brain had a Type 3 malfunction there. They were 68 gr and 75 gr.

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*Safety Notice: I am a trained, and certified Range Safety Officer, and am following established Range Safety rules in this video. For infotainment purposes only.

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  1. Been happy with all of my PSA products. I have even had good luck with by Gen2 (non-forged) PSAK47. Great "bang" for the buck with those guys has been my experience.

  2. Nice quick review of some good competitive budget options. My Marine bro after many years FINALLY took back his AR-15 that I upgraded with a flat top receiver, Magpul flip up rear sight since his Bushmaster comes with the A2 front sight like the S&W and PSA, engraved USMC dust cover, Warne AR canilever scope mount and a free scope that our Dad gave me to put on it since he replaced it with a Redfield on his .243. I have also bought the RCBS reloading dies for .223, 65 grain Sierra Game Kings and CFE223 powder (he didn't take that with him, doesn't have the time) so I want to finally start building my own AR-15 with my first being a .223/5.56 since I have the dies and hunting loads for predators/varmints, then maybe later get a 6.5 Grendel upper to mesh with my lower for bigger game like deer and wild hogs. I want more of a predator HUNTING set up, but also find that balance for use in a fun course, on the range, or self defense, but mostly leaning towards hunting and maybe some fun on a range if I could find one longer than 100 yards. I have checked out PSA's website and they definitely do have some great deals on rifles, rifle parts, and kits. I want a hand guard like the one on the Ruger that is aftermarket. Even though the MagPul one on the others is nice, I won't have the A2 front sight so a long sleeker one would be best especially with a scope on it.
    Thanks for this quick comparison, and that is awesome that you had fun putting those two ARs together with your boys, time well spent and I can see it on their faces.

  3. Did your PSA kit come with the EPT trigger? I got the 16" MOE EPT Mid-Length kit, put it together with an Anderson lower all for $410 shipped. The only additional tool I had to get was an armorer's wrench for the castle nut

  4. CORRECTION: We did not shoot 168 and 175 gr bullets! My brain had a Type 3 malfunction there. They were 68 gr and 75 gr. Additionally, we’ve put many hundreds of rounds of 55 gr FMJ reman through my two PSA kit builds with no issues, and decent accuracy.

  5. 168 grain? 165 grain? are you nutz? I would hope that your meant 65 grain, v 68 grain…sheesh…lmao. for myself, I bought a Del-Ton for slightly more than these guns, and it has all the features of my last issue rifle. Not saying it is the best, not saying it is crap–I am saying I am happy with it. I did change out all the furniture to Mag-Pul, but that was for my preferences and not due to any lack of performance-I wanted a rifle that had OD furniture, rather than black.

  6. PRO TIP for Any PSA fan's who spend a lot of money with them need to be doing it through the Active Junky site (think ebates for outdoor and guns) and getting the 6% back PSA offers on all their in house made and branded products. For me it offsets the tax they now have to charge.

    Use my referral link to sign up and when you make a qualifying order we both get $10.00 thrown into our accounts and then just click the PSA link and place your orders as usual. You can also save 7% at Brownells, 7% at Academy, and 8% and Cabelas as of today.

  7. Smoky Mountain Guns had the S&W M&P Sport II for $450/shipped to your door about 2 weeks ago! You can buy a FULL AR-15 for about $400 nowadays, and it will be reliable for a starter rifle build.

  8. I have a 10.5 PSA pistol kit with 6k rounds of wolf through it without a hiccup.. honestly for the price, with its lifetime warranty, PSA is one of the best ar15 manufactures out there right now.

  9. i have a psa pistol lower with an sba3 brace on it.i built the upper myself with parts from another rifle i had,im waiting to finish it.i need a new bcg and ch because the ones i had were stolen from me. shouldnt be long though.

  10. With open/red dot sights those groups are perfect.. add a LPVO and you should get a moa group with the right ammo. I don't own any PSA uppers but have bought a few lowers and other parts..
    Hey, they just came out with a drop in 3.5# trigger, you should do a review on it.

  11. I have a delton ar15 that im having issues getting sighted in. I definitely need to spend some time on learning how to do it. It just sits in the safe, while my palmetto psak47 gets all the attention. Love that gun.

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