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In Courier Service System it is imperative that the delivery of the customer’s parcels be done as fast as possible. The delivery process starts the moment the order is made and involves many steps such as scanning the parcels code, loading the parcels onto the vehicle and sending them to the customer’s destination. It is crucial that the parcels arrive on time at the destination to the satisfaction of the customers.

In order to ensure the fastest delivery of parcels to the customers, it is important to find the fastest route (not necessarily the shortest) with minimum traffic from the point of delivery to customer destination. At the same time, the customers should be informed of the delivery time on a continuous basis or in a suitable time period. Responsive communication between these two parties will definitely improve courier service efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The purpose of the research is to develop a framework with the help of Favoriot platform together with other Cloud platform and Android Apps that can help in building the platform for more intelligent parcel delivery system by combining the use of the current communication technologies such as GPS, Waze, Andriod tools and other cloud services. It will help the courier service systems to intelligently manage the delivery process and to deliver the parcels at a convenient time to the customers.

[NOTE: This project is being done by UTM, our FAVORIOT’s University’s collaborator]


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