America’s Quiet Coup In S.America: Ecuador Protests: Calm in Quito, Anti-Gov’t March in Cuenca


Ecuador Protests: Calm in Quito, Anti-Gov’t March in Cuenca


In Ecuador, a vociferous opposition is rallying against the current government in what some are calling a soft coup. Before President Correa, the South American country had a tumultuous political history with regular coups. Supporters of President Rafael Correa’s Citizen’s Revolution converged on Quito’s main square Friday to both reflect upon and celebrate the progress Ecuador has seen since Correa’s election in 2007, which ushered in a revolutionary process of change to the country.

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Participating in the festivities, Marisol Peñafiel, a legislator for the governing PAIS Alliance party, told teleSUR English, “We owe to this government access to the justice system, access to education, which the powerful oligarchs denied to rural and campesino sectors. We now have sovereign country. This is why we will be in the streets.” While government supporters gathered in front of the Carondelet Presidential Palace in Quito’s Indepence Plaza, opposition supporters took their protest to the coastal city of Machala.

They continue to demand that the temporarily suspended wealth redistribution bills are axed and that the president be removed from office. “The indigenous movement and the Ecuadorean people are going out to defend this process. This process of the Citizen’s Revolution has allowed for wealth to be redistributed in an equal way to the most popular sectors.

It is obvious that this has affected the powerful class of the bourgeoisie and the oligarchy of this country,” said Jose Agualsaca, the president of the Indigenous Federation of Ecuador, in front of the Carondelet. Analysts say that the opposition is articulating what could be classified as a soft coup in Ecuador, through manipulation of the population and constant pressure that is put on the government.

It is expected that the opposition will maintain its pressure, at least until the Constitutional Court rules on constitutional reform proposals at the end of the year, which would include the possibility for President Correa’s reelection in 2017. On the strategy of the opposition, sociologist and political analyst Romain Migus told teleSUR English, “There is clearly a risk that what the opposition is cooking now is not necessarily to take out President Rafael Correa, but through manipulation, generate chaos, and make it impossible that all or some of the constitutional reforms are approved.”

Opposition supporters have chosen the tourist-favorite city Cuenca as the site for weekend mobilizations, while protests are expected to continue in other parts of the country over the next week. With no demonstrations planned for nearby Shyris Avenue, the site of the most heated protests so far, people in Quito are outside in Carolina Park, playing soccer, pickup basketball and enjoying the peace and tranquility.

This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:


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