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Bollywood Blind Item – March 2019 – 12

    We cannot really think of anyone else at the moment for this blind item. Though, there is one thing not adding up. They already had a party for this film, so what party are they talking about? Is this for another film or the same film?

    It’s a little confusion because not that many details are given. Still, if you think this is about someone else, drop us a line below.

    For now, let’s go with our guess.

    So this actress has managed to give the media something to talk about or rather something to ask other stars. Today, the media didn’t even hesitate to ask Fatty’s mamu about what this actress has said about him.

    She was quite enraged the last time she spoke about mamu when she said he didn’t bother to show up for her screening when she invited him. Well, maybe all his towels were dirty, that’s why he couldn’t make it!

    Jokes aside, mamu had this epic answer. Actually, scratch that. It’s the same answer he gives when he pretends to not know about something. He’s good at it until you don’t believe him anymore.

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    Catch the video below and see his reaction. Also, what is going on with his wife? She looks way too thin. Remember last year it was at the same birthday event that he grabbed and gave her a smooch in front of the media. This year, we weren’t so lucky. He came down unshowered, cut a cake, fed her a bit, then answered questions from the media and then he went back to sleep. Oh and he is also doing the remake of an old Hollywood classic that starred Tom Hanks.

    Take a look at the blind item from SpotBoye below. We searched around for proof of this happening and couldn’t find any. It is a little strange what the blind item is saying happened actually happened when this actress has been out of town for a while. On top of that, she was supposedly on some spiritual thing that she planned on doing for her birthday.

    If it is indeed her they are talking about, then they are trying to make her look like a loser that no one wants to be friends with.

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    Bollywood Blind Item

    Bollywood Blind Item

    This actress wanted to have a party at a 5-star at a producer’s cost. She pleaded with a studio who was bewildered that why they were being forced into doing something when she had already given them a big hole in their pockets in the past.

    So they turned her down. But sponsor or no sponsor- the adamant lady decided to go ahead with the party at her residence, and the next thing we know was she started sending out invitations to few people in Bollywood. Result? Zilch. Only a few dodgy people were seen to be dancing in her flat until the wee hours of morning.


    OSOP Guess

    Actress: Kangana Ranaut

    Bollywood Blind Item – March 2019 – 12

    (Visited 23 times, 1 visits today)

    13 thoughts on “Bollywood Blind Item – March 2019 – 12”

    1. Again, targeting a powerhouse performer who has shown them that she’s the real deal with Manikarnika. 104Cr plus all language domestic gross (sites don’t report this, of course, they report Hindi numbers of 95Cr). They’ve got the wrong budget too. Plus, distributors were sold the film for 60Cr. 158Cr as of last count worldwide SOLELY on her name and shoulders, and they’re still discrediting her with lame blinds? Hate on her for her attitude, but don’t hate on her work. She’s proven herself even with fantastic performances in flop films like Rangoon and Simran. She’s got an amazing line up and a possible fourth NA. She’s not going anywhere.

      1. @amen to that….loved her in all her movies … people are trying so hard to discredit her…it’s unbelievable that this can be done so openly…manikarnika made money for the producers….it’s a success…..screw the ones who wants to disprove that reality

    2. This blind can be about Fatima. Thugs (big hole in their pocket) released in December, and her birthday was in January.

      Just checked and Kangana’s birthday is on March 23rd, given that this blind’s come out before the 23rd, and says the birthday is over, I am assuming it can’t be her.

    3. Why is that all so called “feminists/strong women” of bollywood don’t have guts to leave their celeb husband’ and raise their voice? Rao has been vocal about “intolerance” in country while tolerating her philandering husband.

    4. Hmmm not sure it is her. Haven’t seen any news of a party in her house tbh. The success party she and Ankita were at was at a hotel where they were both dressed to the nines in saris and where she blasted Ranveer and Alia for not responding on Anupama’s questions.

    5. Why do actors’ wives hang around when their spouses are randier than the local tom cat? Well they’ve got used to the good life. That includes Kiran Rao who has great pretentions but little to show for them. The main reason however, our divorce settlements. If we had California law with spouses getting 50%, you’d see a lot more divorces or a lot more well behaved tom cats.

    6. There was a party where KR was wearing a white flowing dress and Ankita wearing black partying. Of course, KR’s sis , Rangoli was also there. It seemed to be held at KRs own home.

      but i doubt she invited anyone other than the cast and crew of Manikarnika

      1. @ nefarious: can you share the link? Didn’t find anything on the net. Just that she had cancelled the success party in Feb coz of attacks. And then on 4th March the one I mentioned above.

    7. I can’t call myself a fan of Kangana’s after Pulwama, but Manikarnika was a big hit. It’s recovered over Rs 200 crore worldwide. This blind doesn’t seem to be about her.

      I watched the Aamir Khan video – he did kiss his wife again after cutting the cake. And they seemed very close and touchy-feely. It made me wonder how much of those rumors about his affair with FSS are true. Kiran doesn’t seem to me to be the sort to put up with such nonsense. She’s a talented filmmaker who’s been putting a lot of work into their production house over the years. She can leave him and join any other production company and flourish. She doesn’t milk his celebrity, nor does she come across as a particularly power-hungry person. She just seems like a regular gal who loves films.

    8. I think it could be true. Staying away from her is a safe bet right now ..! And Manikarnika did not make enough money to be called Hit- let alone blockbuster. So success party does not make sense to me. Then again, everyone creates this hype of success party nowadays !

      1. Quite true. According to Koimoi Manikarnika got around 94 crores in india and is shown as losing.

    9. Maybe it’s true, the producers didn’t want to spend anymore on that film. It made less than they anticipated and they didn’t even do promotions, so no ‘success’ party either. So…

      Either way the best blind on her in years outside of interfering with the directors work, is some biggies didn’t show and her older friends danced the night away? Least she isn’t serving and dancing 💃 on strings at Ambanis house!

      1. No she wouldn’t. The girl has been around for 13 years and she’s been through a lot but a kiss ass is not one of the things she does.

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