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Bollywood Blind Item 6 – May 2018

    The blind item below is a small snippet from an article that SKJ posted regarding actresses and their non-filmi husbands. Bear in mind that the blind item below might just be anyone, maybe she was in a drunken state or perhaps she was angry when she told this to Subhash K Jha.

    Check out the short blind item below from SKJ’s blog. Feel free to share your thoughts on who you think this is.



    Bollywood Blind Item

    Bollywood Blind Item 6 – May 2018


    A very prominent star-wife once confided in me that she was aware of her husband’s extra-marital activities. “Does he really think I don’t know what he is up when I am not around at those long outdoors? I am okay with it. Because once he is home he thinks of only me and the children.”

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    13 thoughts on “Bollywood Blind Item 6 – May 2018”

    1. Now i dont care enough about others, maybe they all have open marriages or whatever but i hope better sense has prevailed on Shah Rukh now.

    2. Akki was a known serial womanizer and serial cheater. Heck, he even cheated on Shilpa Shetty with Twinkle. And Shilpa was Twinkle’s friend back then. Also Raveena talked about what Akshay did to her. Twinkle despite knowing all of this married him. In their kwk episode Twinkle said that when Akki proposed she told him she will marry him if Mela flopped. She was confident Mela would be a hit but it flopped so badly she gave up acting and got married. She also said she made a list of pros and cons before marrying Akki. The pros on her list comprises of stuff like hardworker, will earn money..etc.. she said she knew what she was getting in to before marriage or something can’t recall exactly what she said. And the way Twinkle gloat about how much money her husband make (vault full of money in their house) even on KWK episode she was boasting about how much money Akki makes. I think she never expected loyalty from Akki in the first place. She grew up at a home where both parents indulged in extra marital affairs. She must have been used to it. But unlike her parents she wanted to keep up appearance of a happy, perfect married life.

    3. It is hard to not think about Twinkle’s own upbringing – growing up with rumours of her father’s infidelity and if true the live-in person. So exclusivity may not be as important to her.

      1. Exclusivity when it comes to sexual fidelity is probably not important all of the star wives. The world they live in everyone’s husband had affairs so they are normalized to it. As long as there is no public tamasha and it does not effect their children.

        Kajol is fine because Ajay never intended to leave her for another woman nor was he ever emotionally involved with whoever he sleeps with.

        Akshay seemed to have gone on for longer time with PC which turned into affair…thats when he had to face scathing twinkle.

        SRK also the same…got involved with PC thats when things got dirty.

    4. Any celebrity life , i would even extend it to top tier rich squad…Infidelity is a norm and latently accepted.

      Star kids seem to have accepted the reality far more early and made peace with it in smoother way than non star kids.

      twinkle did protest initially , esp with PC . I would even say Akshay has some fear of twinkle.

      SRK and Ajay have too much ego and both their wives silently suffer. Gauri-Kajol may have confronted in the beginning but they knew its of no use.

      SRK made his wife feel like a queen(in interviews) at the same time he trashed her like her feelings do not even matter in a very brazen way. Ajay quite openly declares who wears the pants in his marriage.

      Out of those 3 marriages riled with infidelity , it still appears to me that Twinkle has it better…just an opinion.

    5. I’m cringing while reading this. ‘I’m of with it’? Seriously? You can be angry but still stay in the marriage because of kids or security etc. But being ok with it? I just can’t get over that.

    6. Gauri and kajol too have given up on their husbands .. Now what matters to all star wives is their family image, the luxuries provided by husbands and their children . Also they know, the whole industry is full of cheaters. If they leave their husbands, the next guy might likely be the same…

      1. Kajol don’t need that jerk husband to provide her luxury. She was an established actress when she got married, and of what I have seen on social media of Kajol, she is not that extravagant and showoff, infact I find her stingy. I feel she is tolerating just because of her kids and image. I cant say about Gauri, but even Twinkel don’t need akshay’s money.

    7. As you said this could be about any of the star wives with philandering husbands. This gives me Twinkle vibes as well. She seemed to have given up trying to stop Akki’s roving eyes. Other star wives like Kajol, Gauri atleast try to put an end to their husband’s affairs by threatening them or their mistress.

    8. Too vague. Could be anyone really. From Kajol to Kiran to Twinkle. Infidelity is everywhere in Bollywood.

      1. Doubt it’s Kajol. Yes, she’s a talkative but in this matter, she’ll rather convince herself that her husband is a saint or if she has finally seen the light, she’ll keep quiet and hope nobody knows so she won’t be laughed at. Rumour has it that she once fought with KJo when he told her about her husband’s nonsense.

        Kiran is also a private person. Don’t see her talking about it with anyone in the film industry. And she has just a son.

        Gauri Khan would probably say it to only KJo but KJo is also interested in keeping SRK’s linen squeaky clean so he didn’t plant this.

        This is Twinkle.

        It’s sad though. All these women are supposed to be good role models on how strong a woman should be.

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