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Kangana Ranaut gives it nicely back to Karan Johar

    It seems that the reason Kangana Ranaut takes her time to answer to controversies addressed to her is to get her thoughts ready and complete about the whole thing. If you have noticed, Kangu never gives it back straightaway. She takes the time she needs to collect her thoughts to make sure she replies to every point. This is exactly what she did to Karan Johar. News about KJo asking Kangu to stop playing the victim/woman card came out a few days back. He also asked her to get out of the industry if the people here have been so bad to her. Well, Kangu replied to everything. We read her whole statement and we can assure you that we didn’t find anything to criticise in it. In fact, she comes out as someone, who has managed to stand up against a bully and called him out as a bully in front of everyone. Check out how Kangu gave it back to KJo nicely. It’s Kangana’s way of saying FU Karan in a diplomatic way!

    Kangana Ranaut on Karan Johar

    Kangana Ranaut gives it back to Karan Johar

    I can’t speak for Karan Johar’s understanding of nepotism. If he thinks that it is restricted to nephews, daughters and cousins, I have nothing to say. But, to say that he chose not to give me work is to mock an artiste. As importantly, his memory appears to be poor because we worked together in a movie (Ungli), which was produced by him. And quickly realised our sensibilities did not match. I’m also at a loss to understand how he gave me a platform by inviting me to be on his show. (Johar had said that he gave Ranaut a platform to “give it off to Karan”.) I’ve been on several platforms before with several global icons. To say he helped me voice my opinions is to discredit me as an artiste and a public personality.

    And, I think, it should be added here that I was invited to be a part of the show in its fifth season. (Johar’s talk show made its debut in 2004). His team requested my team for months for my dates. But what is pertinent here is: why is Karan Johar trying to shame a woman for being a woman? What is this about the woman card’ and the victim card’? This kind of talk is demeaning to all women, particularly the vulnerable because they are the ones who really need to use them. The woman card’ might not help you become a Wimbledon champ, or win you Olympic medals, or bag National awards.

    It might not even land you a job, but it can get a pregnant woman who feels her water is about to break a ladies’ seat on a crowded bus. It can be used as a cry for help when you sense a threat. The same goes for the victim card’, which women like my sister, Rangoli, who is a victim of an acid attack, can use while fighting for justice in court. I use every card possible. At the workplace, it’s the badass card to fight cutthroat competition. With my family and loved ones, it’s the love card. When fighting the world, it’s the dignity card, and for a seat in a bus, it’s the woman card.

    What is important to understand is that we are not fighting people, we are fighting a mentality. I am not fighting Karan Johar, I am fighting male chauvinism. Now that Karan is the father of a little daughter (Johar became a single parent of twins, who were born through surrogacy last month), he should provide her with all these cards ” the woman card’ and the victim card’, as also the self-made independent- woman card’, and the badass card’ that I flashed on his show. We will use whatever we need to ensure no one rocks our boat. I’m also a little surprised at the “graciousness” he says he displayed in choosing to not edit the jousty bits on the show.

    While I’d have blacklisted the channel if something like that had happened, let’s also remember that a channel wants TRPs, and he is just a paid host. Also, the Indian film industry is not a small studio given to Karan by his father when he was in his early 20s. That is just a small molecule. The industry belongs to every Indian and is highly recommended for outsiders like me whose parents were too poor to give me a formal training. I learnt on the job and got paid for it, using the money to educate myself in New York. He is nobody to tell me to leave it. I’m definitely not going anywhere, Mr Johar.

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    2 thoughts on “Kangana Ranaut gives it nicely back to Karan Johar”

    1. Somehow I agreed with whatever kangana said. Sometimes she does play the women card too much and kjo call on to her but then her replies were marvelous

    2. Loved everything she said! I do hope though she stops her intermittent attempts to shame other actresses.

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