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Making Homemade Laminate Floor Cleaner

    Homemade Laminate Floor Cleaner

    Although it is easier to buy ready-made laminate floor cleaner from the store, the idea of making your homemade laminate floor cleaner is not an overwhelming one. You can actually make your own homemade cleaner from the products that you already have in your home. Homemade laminate floor cleaner can save you a lot of money and they are easy to put together. You can use most of the laminate floor cleaner with a regular mop and bucket or as a refill for your swiffer mop. Here are some basics homemade laminate floors cleaner for you to use. 


    Homemade Laminate Floor Cleaner

    You will need:

    1. White vinegar
    2. dish detergent
    3. ammonia
    4. rubbing alcohol
    5. baby shampoo hot water
    6. lemon juice


    Vinegar Cleaner

    To make vinegar cleaner, make a solution by mixing a cup of white vinegar or rubbing alcohol with 4 cups of hot water. You can use this solution with your mop and bucket or refill your swiffer or Clorox mops.

    Lemon Juice Cleaner

    For lemon juice cleaner, add 2 ounces of clear dish detergent with 2 cups of vinegar, a cup of lemon juice and 2 cups of hot water and mix well. Refill your ready-to-use mop with this solution. Or, you can use the regular mop and bucket. You could also increase the hot water to fill your bucket.

    Ammonia Cleaner

    For ammonia cleaner, mix 2 tablespoons of ammonia with 1 teaspoon of dish detergent and a cup of rubbing alcohol. Fill it off with 2 and half cup of hot water and mix well. Refill your ready-to-use mop to clean your laminate floor. Avoid mixing bleach and ammonia.

    Baby Shampoo Cleaner

    For baby shampoo cleaner, make a solution by mixing 2 teaspoon of baby shampoo with a gallon of hot water. You can wash your laminate floor with a standard mop and bucket or ready-to-use mop.

    Other Homemade Cleaner

    Another homemade cleaner that you can make is by mixing ¼ cup of ammonia, 1 tablespoons of clear dish soap and ¼ cup of vinegar. If you are making this as your refill for your ready-to-use mop then add 3 cups of hot water. For standard mop and bucket, you can fill your gallon bucket with hot water. Avoid over-saturating the floor when you are working with laminate flooring. During the cleaning process, wring out your mop often. If you are using a ready-to-use mop, replace the expansive pad that comes with the mop with old towels. The benefit of using old towels is that it can be used over and over again and also this method is good for your budget and the environment.

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