From Neutrinos to Nebulae- and back to giant earthworms

The Ring Nebula

Good Morning, God!

Wow! Did I get a lesson in JUST how awesome You are!

Last night I viewed the Scale of the Universe. It is interactive and it starts with humans — in the center — and then the button can be moved left to see things getting smaller — down to Neutrinos. Moving the button to the right and things get larger — all the way up to nebulae and galaxies.

The art is simple, God. Yet the scale is Mind Blowing!  I slid up, slowly, looking at the human size things I knew and the places I’d been. Then I moved more quickly — passing the sun and solar system — out to the reaches of our galaxy. I got all the way out to our Local Galactic Group before my mind snapped back.

Going smaller was even harder. Atoms and protons I had heard of. But I’d not heard of the Up and Down Quarks that comprise the proton. Then I learned that there are Preons — the building blocks of quarks. And Neutrinos so small they pass through matter undisturbed. How AWESOME, is Your Creation, God!

But, I have to tell on myself, God. The center point didn’t just have humans. It also mentioned Giant Earthworms up to 7 meters long! The first thing I did after viewing was to Google “giant earthworms.”  BLUSH!  Then I found a comment on that page saying they had just come from the Scale of the Universe site. I wasn’t alone in the mundane focus of my curiosity!

Ah, God, we ARE most interested in things that are our size — things that we can understand — or at least TRY to understand — and good on us for trying!  Thank YOU, God for this World — and this Cosmos!

Story teller,

Posted in a matter of scale, our small blue dot, seeing

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