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Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Belated (perhaps) Happy Birthdays this month to both Neil Darling and Gloria Abbott! Meanwhile, two memorials were held this past weekend in the Valley and, based on attendance, clearly these two recently deceased Valley folks, Efren Mendoza and Bruce Longstreet (both cancer victims at far too young an age), each played significant roles in the community and affected the lives of many. They will be sadly missed.

Public Service Announcements. Calendars and pens at the ready. #237. There are still some tickets available for the Benefit Dinner that Libby's Restaurant in Philo is putting on for the Elder Home this coming Sunday, September 30. There will be two sittings, at 5 and 7pm, serving a three-course meal, with chicken, beef, pork, and vegetarian entrees (none of which normally appear on the menu), each served with accompaniments, plus salad and dessert. Tickets are $30 per person, drinks to be purchased separately. Seating is limited so pre-purchase your ticket at Libby's, All That Good Stuff, Lemon's Market in Philo, or call the Elderhome at 895-3889. #238. The monthly Barn Sale on AV Way just north of Boonville, has moved to the first weekend of the month, Saturday/Sunday, Oct 6/7, open each day from 9am to 3pm. #239. A heads-up that the Vets from Mendocino Animal Hospital will make two visits to the Valley next month, Thursdays Oct 11 and 25, from 2-3:30pm at the AV Farm Supply each day.

Topics and Valley events under discussion this week at The Three-Dot Lounge - yes it’s “Moans, Groans, Good Thoughts, and Rampant Rumors” from my favorite gathering place in the Valley.

…Beaten up by two Native Americans; temporarily suspended after drawing his gun on two ‘bad guys’ in Philo; lying in a coma after a car crash. These are just three of the rumors that have been circulating in the Valley regarding Deputy Craig Walker whose recent absence from these parts has clearly fired up the imaginations of a few ‘concerned’ citizens. I can very reliably tell you that he is actually alive and well, and will be back here soon after completing a successful training period with ‘our’ police dog, Argus. Argus is fine too, despite another wild rumor. There was a police dog that did die who was in training with Argus. During a drill, the poor dog ripped open a training bag of methamphetamine, swallowed some of the evil powder, and died from a heart attack. Very sad, and true.

…I see that Mendocino High basketball Coach, Jim Young, felt the need to comment publicly on academically ineligible players being inadvertently selected for the AV High soccer team. Many guys at the 3-Dot look forward to ‘discussing’ this issue when Young is next in town.

…From our 3-Dot regular, The Old Buzzard, comes another in his insightful series: The Approach of the Apocalypse. Buzzard reports, “Revolutionary generals Emilio Zapata or Pancho Villa; maybe Aztec Emperor Cuauhtemo or five-time President Benito Juarez; perhaps artist Diego Rivera or certainly Mexican American civil rights activist Cesar Chavez; even actress Salma Hayek! Any of these significant contributors to Mexican history and culture over the years would be a welcome sight on a t-shirt worn by a high school student. However, the person whose face I saw represented on the t-shirt of a student at AVHS last week featured El Chapo Guzman (“Shorty Guzmán” for his 5’-6” stature). Guzman is Mexico's top drug kingpin and is considered “The most powerful drug trafficker in the world,” by the United States Department of the Treasury. Forbes magazine calls him the “biggest drug lord of all time,” and the DEA strongly believes he has surpassed the influence and reach of former drug kingpin, Columbia’s Pablo Escobar, and now considers him “the godfather of the drug world.” The US offers a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture. The Mexican government offers a reward of 30 million pesos for such information. Is it just one student who thinks of Guzman as something of a hero? I don’t think so. Is this just a rebellious gesture of a teenager being a teenager? Perhaps. Do the faculty realize who Guzman is? Quite possibly not. I admit to not knowing what this represents. but a sign of the approach of the Apocalypse is one thing that clearly comes to mind.

…Time to take my leave. Til we talk again, ‘Keep the Faith’; be careful out there; stay out of the ditches; think good thoughts; and may your god go with you. A final request: “Let us prey.” Humbly yours, Turkey Vulture. PS. Contact me with words of support/abuse through the Letters Page or at PPS. Hi, Silver Swan – behaving yourself? Hopefully not!

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