From next year, Flemish teachers can lease a bicycle cheaply

From next year, teachers will be able to use part of their gross end-of-year bonus to lease a regular or electric bicycle. According to Flemish Minister of Education Ben Weyts (N-VA), the option is part of a series of measures to make remuneration for the teaching job more up-to-date and attractive.

Among them are a higher bicycle allowance, a new internet allowance, and the option to pay teacher specialists extra. These must make the teaching profession more attractive.

Popular measure

Therefore, Minister of Education Ben Weyts (N-VA) now comes with a measure already existing in many private companies. From 2025, teachers and other educational staff will be able to use part of their end-of-year bonus to lease an (electric) bicycle and will have more left than colleagues who buy a bicycle themselves with their net amount.

“We must continue to show our appreciation for teachers in every possible way, including financially,” Weyts concludes.


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