How to Enjoy a solo Thanksgiving

Being alone on Thanksgiving doesn’t feel great. It’s a holiday that’s centered around spending time with friends and loved ones. So when you’re solo on Thanksgiving it’s easy to feel lonely and depressed. For many this year, it might be their first time spending Thanksgiving alone. And there’s nothing wrong with feeling down or missing being with your friends and family. Rather you turned down an invitation or your family lives out of town, having a solo of Thanksgiving doesn’t mean you have to feel sad and lonely. There are ways to be solo and still enjoy Thanksgiving.

The first step to enjoying a solo Thanksgiving is accepting that you’re alone. Being alone isn’t a bad thing, and you can still make the most out of the day. If you can’t be with your family or friends on Thanksgiving. There are still things you can do that’ll put you in the company of others. Like volunteering to helps those less fortunate. You’ll feel good helping others and less lonely. The holidays are what you make of them, so you don’t have to spend them feeling lonely and sad. Being alone on Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a bad thing, so here’s how you can enjoy solo Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated on the same day around the world or in other countries. There are lots of people who travel to escape a solo Thanksgiving. You can meet up with other travelers and make new friends.

Make your solo Thanksgiving your own

There’s no wrong or right way to celebrate Thanksgiving. I live miles away from my friends and family so it’s not uncommon for me to spend Thanksgiving alone. At first, I’d get sad and lonely. But now it doesn’t bother me as much. I’ve made the holiday my own. I don’t celebrate it the typical way, but the way I’d like to celebrate. So if you’re spending Thanksgiving alone make it your own and spend the day doing something you’ll enjoy.

Try something new

Have you been waiting to learn something new or pick up a new hobby? Then why not spend your Thanksgiving trying something. Chances are you probably have something stuffed in your closet that you’ve been meaning to try, or a project you’ve been meaning to finish. So if you’re solo on Thanksgiving try taking your mind off being alone of Thanksgiving by putting your focus into learning something. You could learn how to crochet, paint, or sew.

Get productive

Ever wished you had a day dedicated to decluttering or organizing? Well, why not make Thanksgiving a productive day. It easy to forget about being solo when you’re cleaning out your closet, sorting out paperwork, or generally getting details of your life in order. And by the end of the day, you’ll feel accomplished and happier that things are in order.

Being solo isn’t as bad as one may think. After you accept being alone, you can start planning a fun solo Thanksgiving. That’s all your own. So don’t let being alone on Thanksgiving bring you down, accept and think of all the possibilities.

Related post:ย How to Plan a Stress-Free Thanksgiving

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.