What You Should Know Before You Go To The Lights Festival

The Lights Festival

The lights festival is an experience where thousands of people gather to listen to music, fill up on good food, and light up the night sky. Its focus on creating a fun, safe, and unforgettable experience for all of their guest. Upon entry of the event, you’re given a lantern, marker, and lights festival wristband. While you wait for the sun to set you can draw on your lantern, enjoy food from local food trucks, and listen to live music. Once it gets dark and the local fire marshal gives the OK then the magic happens and thousands of paper lanterns ascend into the night sky. Check out their website to learn more here.

One of the lights festival priorities is leaving a positive impact on the environment after the festival a designated clean-up crew collects all the lanterns. In the rare chance that some are not picked up, they are 100% biodegradable and will disintegrate over time. The lanterns used for the festivals have a design for a low flight to help with landing site predictability. They also have a leave no trace policy to make sure that their venues look the same after they leave as they did before the event.

This past weekend I attended my first lights festival and plan on going again next year. Although there are some things I would have done differently I still had a great time. So if your thinking about attending a lights festival in your area this summer check out these tips.

Buy Your Tickets Early

Tickets start out around $25 and increase the closer it gets to the event. Sign up for their mailing list or follow them on social media so you can stay up to date on ticket pricing and ticket sales.ย  Get Your ticketsย here.

Bring Bug Spray And Sun Screen

The lights festival is an outdoor event that takes place outside populated areas where there is open space. Remember to bring your sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburns and bug spray to repel those pesky bugs.

Bring Something To Sit On

Don’t forget to bring something comfortable to sit on such as blankets or collapsible chairs. If you forget the event does have items available for purchase at their merchandise tent.

Pack A Lunch

The lights festival does allow outside food and drinks but, alcohol is not permitted inside the festival. To avoid the line for the food trucks and save money bring your own food and drinks. Just be sure to clean up after your done.

Don’t Forget Your Camera

It is a beautiful and magical experience once the lanterns and light and starts floating up and towards the sky. Make sure you have a camera ready to capture the magic and the beauty that is the lights festival.

Follow Instructions

Safety is a big concern for the lights festival so they work closely with the local fire department, fire marshal, and paramedics to make sure all participants stay safe. Make sure that you are listening and following all the instructions so that the festival stays fun and safe for everyone. No launching lanterns before the authorized time and children under the age of 16 cannot light a lantern without adult supervision.

Watch Out Lanterns

Sometimes not all the lanterns rise directly up to the sky right away. Some may slowly float through the crowd as they may their way up. Be sure to vigilante and watch out for low flying lanterns that may float into you or someone else.

Related post:ย July Wrap-Up

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Angela Louise
Written by Angela Louise
Angela is the owner and chief content creator for Weird Louise and is working towards becoming a full-time blogger. In addition to blogging here on Weird Louise, she is an artist and owner of the Social Awkward Club. She also has a passion for helping others discover ways to live their best lives.