You may have heard filmmakers reference “B-roll,” but what is B-roll, really? And why is it important? Molly is here to fill you in on everything you ever wanted to know about B-roll, but were afraid to ask.
B-roll refers to background footage spliced together with the main content of your video. It helps to bring a story together or break up shots that go on too long. B-roll can also be a huge help with hiding less perfect takes, covering up unusable footage, providing a backdrop for your audio, or working around unexpected issues with the final cut. 
You may think that you don’t need B-roll for a simple one-minute video, but you’d be surprised how much it can help with varying the action and pacing, and retaining the attention of your viewer. So hit us up, we’ll make sure to get your best side, and also B-roll for your video projects.

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