Supergirl – Triggers Review

Supergirl - Girl of Steel

Supergirl – Triggers Review

Supergirl – Triggers synopsis: A thief who has psychic powers attacks National City, immobilizing victims by tapping into their worst fears; James and Lena are at an impasse; Samantha starts her new job at L-Corp.

This week we find Kara (Melissa Benoist) still dealing with her loss over Mon-El but she is also now dealing with a new boss. Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) bought CatCo, for a whopping $750mil, as a favor to Kara. Lena isn’t your regular boss, and she isn’t Cat that is for sure. She wants to get her hands dirty and know the ins and outs of CatCo. This also means she is watching Kara’s coming and goings. She questions Kara on why she missed a staff meeting. She tries to come at Kara as a friend and Kara was quick to put a wall up and tell Lena that she doesn’t talk about her personal life at work. There also a bit of a power struggle with Lena and James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks).

And of course there is a villain that Kara needs to fight.
This episode has Kara and the crew fighting a meta/psychic, Psi, played by Yael Grobglas from Jane the Virgin. Yael plays a bit of a villain on that show, so it seems fitting that she would be one on this one too.

We also get to see a little bit more of Samantha and her daughter Ruby. I know this chick has some powers, something she is hiding from her daughter. I am just not sure what or who she is.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s episode has in store. Check out the trailer below and be sure to join us on our twitter as we live tweet the new episode

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PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.

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