This study the Nigerian home movies and influences on Igbo culture aims at identifying the influences of Nigerian home movies especially those that have their theme, plot, and setting in rich culture of Igbo. Even those that have Yoruba or Hausa theme, plot and setting but like the imported films influences negatively the culture and behaviour of Igbo people. There is common belief in Nigeria especially amongst the Ibos that home movies project negatively the culture of Nigeria. That is why frank Aig imoukeluede in opubor (1995:47) confirms that: many Nigerians have complained of the poisonous content of firms shown on the screens in Nigeria. A great number of people have criticized our television featuring materials, which contradictor erode the quality of life and undermines our values and mores. What is needed are films for self protection, for presenting the facts of life in Nigeria. The study will be able to confirm or approve this widely held view. The historical of home movies has it that actual recording and presentation of actualities started with the lumpier brothers experience on December 25 1895; when they achieved this by recording “break time” in their factory. Dosumu (1995:17) averse that “when brothers Louis and august lumpier unveiled then cinematographer in the basement of grand café in Paris on December 28, 1895 they no doubt felt satisfied that they found new medium for recording and presentation of actualities. Recording actualities is what a documentary does and that is what the lumpier brothers achieved by recording. “Break time” in their factory. The influences of the medium of film on mankind have been many and varied, carrying their ideals and aspirations beyond cultures.