Standing up for Jesus Christ

The Lord Is My Chef Breakfast Recipe for the Soul

Thursday, Weekday of Christmas, 02 January 2020

1 John 2:22-28 ><)))*> ><)))*> ><)))*> John 1:19-28

Photo by Jessica Lewis on

Praise and glory to you, O Lord Jesus Christ who had come, who is coming, and always with us in this life, helping us in our trials and sufferings, and leading us into fulfillment in him!

On this second day of new year 2020, many of us have already forgotten your great feast of Christmas.

Many of us have become “liars” as St. John points out in the first reading, denying that you are the Christ.

Many of us Lord Jesus have been deceived by the “antichrists” that have misled us into believing into so many modern thoughts about life that disregard your teachings about the dignity of persons, beauty of sex, and of justice and truth.

In the name of political correctness and other so-called progressive thoughts, we have turned our blind eyes into so many instances of human life being taken for granted these days.

Teach us to have the courage like St. John the Baptizer and our saints today, St. Basil and St. Gregory Nazianzen to always stand for what is true always, to proclaim your coming not only in words but most especially in deeds. Amen.

Photo by Dra. Mai B. dela Pena, Sydney, 2017.

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