
Want to help? Sign up at Volunteers.ae

Like the rest of the world, the UAE is in the grip of the Covid-19 crisis. The skill and good will of its citizens and residents is needed as never before.

Volunters.ae is seeking people prepared to offer their skills to help deliver a multitude of services. From medical expertise to listening with a sympathetic ear and reassuring someone in distress to helping the elderly to cope — volunteers.ae would like to hear from you.

Volunteers are needed in all seven Emirates; residents as well as UAE nationals. 

In Umm Al Quwain, Dubai and Fujairah, volunteers are needed to support medical personnel in tasks including monitoring thermal scanners. Applicants should have completed at least the second level of training in the Sanid program, which trains the youth of the UAE in crisis management. 

The Ministry of Education needs virtual volunteers in Dubai to help with educational projects in public and private schools. Working remotely, volunteers are required to contact, coordinate and classify student groups taking part in various programs, including school scouting, sports, military training and those involving artificial intelligence and robotics. Any nationality can apply.

In Abu Dhabi, the Takatof program, which aims to engage young people in community work, is looking for people with drawing skills to create images of those working in the field to combat Covid-19 for sharing on social media. Applicants should be aged 20 or above and all nationalities are welcome. 

And then there is Expo 2020 in Dubai, which needs up to 3,000 volunteers — both nationals and expatriates — to make the event truly exceptional. 


  • Head to the website for details and to register.


Livehealthymag.com is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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