The Masses of One

There’s something so beautiful about watching thousands of people dancing and rejoicing before the presence of God. The utter joy that you experience is so intense that you feel as if you’ll burst!

Our team, our family, Eastern Provence has been through some massive shifts in the last serval months, weeks and now onto the next several days of revival! We landed in Zambia with such anticipation with what God was about to do and to finally be back with our tribe. The tribe that God has entrusted us to lead onto the path of perfection that comes as we walk out our salvation daily.

If you’ve been watching our stories, you were able to catch that CFAN hosted a crusade in the center of Chipata- and it was glorious! What an amazing turn around on salvations, commitments, healings, and deliverances that took place on that golf course. Andrey and I (as well as with several of our kids) witnessed much those evenings, one in particular made me cry. Little boy around 9 years old was able to hear for the first time in his life…my mamma heart just wept! God is so faithful! We are excited to see the fruit of new disciples raised up for the glorious army of Christ and for Chipata to be a lighthouse for the surrounding countries!

Today, we had a group of 10 Oral Roberts students fly in for a week long expedition into the villages of Chipata. For the next 1.5 weeks, the U.S team, as well as our local team will minister together to a large area that we’ve prayerfully considered to reach and bring the presence of Jesus into. We want to release that which we carry into the darkest areas. The areas where there’s much witchcraft, drunkenness, and hurting souls living without the knowledge of freedom that Jesus has already paid the price for. We ask you to pray as we enter these areas, park our vehicles, pitch our tents and live for a week amongst these ones. Pray for the protection, the boldness, for health of the team, and for the sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

We live for Christ. We aren’t afraid of what man can do to us, but we ask that you as the body would intercede so that more can be reached with the gospel.

Apostle Paul went through difficult situations, but not once did he complain of his difficulties. Not once did he write a sob story to people back at home to take him out of his hardships, but he asked the church to rise and pray, to financially support, and send more laborers to him: If you can’t go- SEND. If you can’t go- SUPPORT. If you can’t go yourself- PRAY!

At the end of this post, I’ll attatch a link on how you can support, if your currently not a supporter. If you ARE already a supporter and feel called to increase- we thank you in advance. All funds go to our ministry and family needs in order to help us continue reaching the unreached.

I want to encourage you with this word. 1 Corinthians 1 NLT (I’ll begin in verse 17, but please read the full chapter) Paul is writing this letter to the church of Corinth.”For Christ didn’t send me to baptize, but to preach the Good News and not with clever speech, for fear that the cross of Christ would lose power. The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. As the Scriptures say, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.” …..(verse 24)… “But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the POWER of God and the wisdom of God.”…….

The cross is our message. It was Apostle Pauls message, and it’s to preach in simplicity but in power because it is the power onto salvation. God equipped us with the greatest tool- the Holy Spirit which gives us instructions on how to simply release the simple Gospel(Good News).

Amazingly simple RIGHT?!

I hope that it encourages you to step out and share your faith with a neighbor, a co-worker, or even a person who’s badly hurt you in the past. Jesus loves them deeply as well…

Love you friends-stay in contact with us. Follow us on Instagram: yana.gorlachev/andregorlachev.

Here’s how to support:

  1. Click on this link below and follow simple instructions:

2. Submit and receive a confirmation that it’s active!

3. Thank you! Our prayer is that your homes never lack, and your store houses would over flow with blessings in Jesus name!

We love each of you, bless your homes, your ministries, your marriages, your work places and schools.We are living in the days of all in! Give God your best!

Till next time,

Yana Gorlachev

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