Summer Review Challenge

It's Summer!  Time to kick off your shoes, open a novel, and sip lemonade. Not necessarily in that order. 

Do you know what Summer is not a good time for?


Forgetting all of your math from this past year. Turns out, however, that we forget easily and need to encourage our brains to retain information. How do we do that?

We review! I know, it's not exciting enough to warrant an exclamation mark, but it needs one. 

Here's my challenge to you: once a week, take 20 minutes to review some math skills. It's super simple. Check our Scio newsletter and complete the weekly problem. This single act will help you keep those skills sharp and free you up to enjoy your summer lemonade guilt free! 

To get started, try this problem on for size: 


  • The perfect squares from 1 through 1225 are printed as a sequence of digits
How many digits are in the sequence?


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