Stuff & Things 4/23

by | Apr 23, 2015 | beauty, Loves, Real Life | 21 comments

>> We’re puppy sitting for our neighbor.  I get this text from the hubs midday on Wednesday…

The stuff that man remembers.  Seriously.  I don’t think I know any of the muppet’s names except for kermit.  Okay, and miss piggy.  And animal.  But I think that’s it.  Those are muppets, right?  But his connection really is spot on.

>> When I was a kid, sometimes my friends and I would try to suck all of the air out of a cup and get it to stick to our mouths.  It was a quick laugh and harmless.  But now?  Apparently young girls are doing this on purpose and for extended periods of time to plump their lips.  It’s apparently called “the Kylie Jenner challenge.”  What in the actual hell is wrong with people?  What’s even worse is there is an actual product on the market that is intended to be used in the same fashion.  Kids are seriously bruising their lips and causing other damage to their faces trying this challenge.  This, my friends, is what is wrong with this generation.  Sigh.

>> Multitasking Bailey cuddles with a fresh mani!  We shall call this one “Joey in her natural habitat.”  That’s not entirely accurate because I normally do my nails at my vanity in the makeup room, but you know…technicalities.

>> Saturday morning, Kristina and I had a meeting at a boutique in NODA for an upcoming event called Dolls in the City!  How cute are these cake pops?  They were freaking delicious!  Anyway, the event will be early this summer and it’s basically an epic girls night out.  Drinks, shopping, manis, massages and girlfriends!  What could be better?  Stay tuned for more details coming soon!  You won’t want to miss out!

Okay friends.  I worked until 9:30 tonight so my eyes are basically closing as I’m typing this.  I also currently have two dogs sitting on me which is making life just that much more difficult.  This just in… J and I are pretty sure we’re going to steal all the dogs in our complex…one by one 🙂

Your turn!


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  1. HAHAHA, that resemblance is PERFECT!! I love it! And holy moly, the lip plumping product?! I can't believe that's an actual thing! We always used to do the cup thing just for fun…kids are nuts these days! (And I have never sounded more 90). Also, I think we are blanket twins. Is yours from Ikea?

  2. Kids these days are…..special indeed. I can so vouch for that one with my job. The doggies…yes you should take them all. I love some doggies. Bright pink with my nails….gotta make it happen. xo Amanda

  3. Look at you with all these pictures! I'm impressed. Come do my nails, I'll let you steal Coppy 😉

  4. Your event sounds like it's going to be so much fun!!! I'm dying over the cake pops!!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  5. The Kylie Jenner challenge is crazy! Who even came up with this idea?! And your event sounds like so much fun, the perfect girls night 🙂

  6. Hahahah comparing the dog to the muppets is hilarious!!!! And true. Such a cutie! I would be stealing all the dogs as well. And I am glad you mentioned the Kyle Jenner challenge because I heard something about it last night and had no clue what was going on but now it makes perfect sense. I am scared for this generation. So scared. Doesn't everyone paint their nails with at least one dog in their lap? 🙂 Dog hair is an accessory for clothes and nails!

  7. I honestly don't even know what to say about the Kylie Jenner challenge – what is wrong with kids this days?!? I can't even wrap my head around how they think her lips look GOOD?! What in the world. Anyway, glad you're having fun puppy sitting! I totally laughed out loud at the Muppets comparison – so funny!

  8. The Kylie Jenner thing is SO weird. What is wrong with kids these days?! Haha. The muppets thing is hilarious. Chris and I will text each other stuff like that. Or funny pictures. The doggies are all adorable too. I hope that you have a amazing day friend! 🙂

  9. Ugh I heard about that Kylie Jenner thing on the radio this morning and it made me want to bang my head against a wall. I just, WHY?? The puppies are SO cute, love puppy snuggles!!

  10. I read about the Kylie Jenner thing, which is just ridiculous what kids these days [I'm so old!] come up with. Also, puppy snuggles are the best- no matter if it's while you're blogging, or painting your nails! 🙂 -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation

  11. Ugh, I just heard about the Kylie Jenner challenge yesterday… SO STUPID. That photo with the two pups laying on you is pretty much my own idea of heaven. No such thing as too many dogs!


  12. My brother was just telling me about that challenge last night! People have lost their minds! Yes to all the puppies!

  13. The Kylie Jenner thing is wigging me out. Like, I've been watching her face transform over the last year or so and have thought how RIDICULOUS her lips look. That girls want to recreate those monstrosities on their own faces just baffles me. WHY???? Also, I bought my first bottle of W&W polish yesterday, and I'm in love! It's an orchid color with a name that has something to do with a grapevine. Anyway, I thought of you because duh. 🙂

  14. That dog is so freaking cute! Glad you are having an awesome week!

  15. Oh my gosh, J's text message is killing me! The whole Kylie Jenner thing makes me so mad. Like, honestly, wtf is wrong with people these days?!

  16. 9:30…ugh.
    I worked until 5:30 two days ago and it threw everything off schedule!
    Natural habit lol.
    Sounds about right.

  17. The lip plumping Kylie Jenner thing is really weird. The more videos that come out, the more it all bugs the shit out of me. I also want those puppies to snuggle me!! So cute!!!

  18. Those are cake pops??!!!! I'd be afraid to eat them they are so pretty!
    And I just heard about the Kyle Jenner Challenge thing earlier this week. WTF. Honestly, I feel like there needs to be a law against people like that posting their half nude photos for young girls to see. Or a law that says "If you're stupid enough to try this, you are going to be sent to an island so you can't infect the rest of the population with your stupidity." Oh, sorry, rant over. 🙂

  19. I laughed out loud at the dog & muppet comparison– sooo funny! That lip challenge thing is so scary– I wish I had bigger lips but sooo not worth bruising your face!


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