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Homily and newsletter – 1 November 2020

The Feast of All Saints celebrates the true life in Christ that we are all called to live.

The First Reading is a vision of the heavenly realm. It reminds us of the community of Saints who have gone before us, those inspirational people who embodied their love of Christ through their words and deeds.

The Psalm celebrates a vision of the world vibrant with the reality of God’s presence in creation and his people. We are blessed when we are able to see the Lord throughout the whole of creation.

In the Second Reading, we are encouraged to think of the love that has been lavished on us by being called God’s children. This is a truth that we need to pause and ponder on to let it truly transform how we see ourselves and each other.

Today’s Gospel is the Beatitudes: a teaching that finds holiness both in the depths of human experience of loss, poverty and persecution, and in the expressions of compassion in response towards these sufferings. The lives of the Saints and of countless others have been transformed by their deep truth.

These teachings speak to the difficult realities of our times too. Many live in poverty, or are innocent victims of war; many mourn lives cut short by the Covid-19 virus; others are persecuted for their beliefs.

Let us hold all of these members of our human family in our prayer this coming week and pray for each other, that we may awaken to our true selves as lavishly loved children of God.