Taking Time Off From the Gym Without Going Crazy

 I recently made the decision to take some time off from the gym. As a former athlete, I’m the type of person to “push through” the fatigue and work around injuries. At one point I was in the “no days off club” mindset (ridiculous BTW). But most recently, I’ve realized that I’m Just.Plain.Tired.

When I sprained my ankle in August, I still kept up with my routine (sans exercises that used my ankle). It was all fine and dandy at first, but I found myself pushing myself when I needed rest. I was overcompensating for my ankle which caused strained muscles and tired joints. Over time my energy levels plummeted, my digestion was off and my injury didn’t seem to want to go away. I finally decided to go against the grain (my grain, that is) and commit to a 1-2 week rest period.

I truly believe that when there is something you need to learn, the same situation happens again and again until you find a healthier way to deal with it. 

The hardest part about this is that I LOVE moving my body. I love how lifting weights makes me feel strong. I love my routine. But, it is silly of me to expect my body to keep performing like it did in my teens and early 20’s. At the ripe ol’ age of 31, I’ve come to accept that recovery takes me longer than it used to <sadface>. Something that helped me to buckle down and focus was this thought:

What’s a few weeks or months off in the short term if it will keep me healthy, happy and moving in the long term? I have my whole life to workout!

Now, if you are healthy and in the right mindset to work around an injury, go for it. But, if you’re experiencing chronic fatigue, extended muscle soreness, or you’re no longer having a menstrual cycle, these are all signs you need a longer break.

Note: If your exercise routine is coupled with disordered eating or you find yourself unable to cope with the anxiety that surrounds a missed workout, I would recommend speaking to a professional that can help you dig deep and discover the root causes of these behaviors.

So, what to do with this extra free time? Here are some ideas that have helped me to not go (too) crazy when I take time off from the gym:

1. Do all the things you haven’t had time for: Write a thank-you card, book that cooking class, start your blog. Although my workouts are only about an hour, I didn’t realize how draining it was to squeeze it all in before work. Sleeping in that extra hour has given me the motivation to persue other things that I love to do. What would be on your list?

2. Journal: Taking time off can be frustrating. Keeping a journal is a great way to handle your emotions and support your mental health. I love cuddling up in bed or on the couch, lighting a candle and write whatever the hell I want. Some entries are one sentence, others are two pages. It’s so fun to read back on old journal entries!

3. Create a Different Routine: I used to wake up before work to work-out, but now I love having the extra 1-1.5 hours to sleep in. My new morning routine consists of foam rolling and stretching. This makes me feel more connected to my body. I also take more time to chew and savor my first meal of the day. My digestion has definitely thanked me for slowing things down!

4. Be social: Surround yourself with people who make your heart happy. It will get your mind off of the anxiety of taking time off from the gym. Having a heart-to-heart with a good friend always makes me feel happy and whole.

5. Get a Massage or go to Acupuncture: Extra cash from the classes you aren’t taking? Spend that money on various forms of self-care. When you make your body feel safe, protected and loved, the return investment is three-fold. I  guarantee you’ll heal faster and see better results when you get back to the gym

6. Allow all the feels: When the anxiety and negativity creep in, catch yourself. It’s OK to feel anxious, angry, stressed, annoyed. Accept these feelings, but don’t let them eat you up. While you may not be able to work your body, use this as an opportunity to work on your mindset. Sometimes these breaks are a blessing in disguise!

Have you ever had to take time off from the gym? What helped you to get through it? Would love to hear from you in the comments below!
