From the library as ‘third space’ to all those elections opinions in letters!


Many thanks for Emerson Brady’s April 18 article, “Losing a Third Space.” Brady captured what the library has already lost and still stands to lose should the City Council further cut library funding. We loved that the piece highlighted the programming and resources our beloved library offers our community, beyond books.

The Foundation and Friends sincerely hope the City Council will not approve additional reductions to the library this year. While we recognize departments city-wide are doing their part to address a tight budget, the library’s books, programs and materials cannot be sustained by the levy, the Foundation and the Friends of the Eugene Public Library alone. As an award-winning location that enlivens the downtown, with branches serving Sheldon and Bethel as well, the library deserves to be reliably funded for its pivotal role in our city.

If readers would like to take action and tell their elected leaders exactly what they love about the library, Foundation and Friends have pink “Love Your Library” postcards available for pick up at the Downtown Library, in the EPLF office (3rd floor) or at Secondhand Prose (first floor). Find a downloadable version at

We hope that the City Council can find a way to restore the library’s funding in the next biennium — especially the funds for books, programming and materials.

Linda Ague

Friends of Eugene Public Library Chair

Hans McKnight

Eugene Public Library Foundation Chair

Laura Cottam Sajbel, 

Jessica Roshak, Judy Reyneke 

and Renee Buchanan

Friends and Foundation Advocacy Committee Members


I received my Eugene Voters Pamphlet over the weekend and read with interest the text of the Star voting measure. I had thought this was just a slight variation on rank choice voting, but instead it is a confusing, convoluted proposal that will inevitably undermine confidence in the elections process.

With rank choice voting, such as the one that’s in place in Corvallis city elections, you vote for your No. 1 choice, and then indicate your second, third, etc. choices (depending on how many candidates there are). If no candidate gets a majority in the first round, then the one who got the least number of votes gets eliminated and the second choice of the voters who chose that candidate are added to the count and this process continues until one candidate has a majority.

Under the Eugene Star voting proposal, according to the text of the measure, you “Give your favorite(s) five stars.” [Section (4)(c)(6)] That “(s)” in parentheses is the heart of the problem. It allows individual voters to give multiple candidates five stars and it’s the total number of “stars” that determines who goes on to the next round and who eventually wins.

Even if an individual voter gives only one candidate five stars, they can give multiple candidates four stars, or three stars or whatever.

Are you confused yet? If you aren’t, then perhaps you have already figured out how this could be used to manipulate elections. I’ll be voting “NO.”

David Fidanque



Many of you may know me as that person who asked you to sign a petition for STAR Voting last year. As someone who gathered 3,000-plus signatures through heat and ice, I’m surprised and saddened that the Weekly opposes STAR Voting. 

Sigh — the “It’s confusing” meme has reared its head again, masquerading as objective truth. Are we too dumb or stubborn to learn? EW, I thought you had more faith in us!

Here’s how STAR works: Instead of being forced to pick one candidate for an office, you can give a 0-5 star rating to all candidates running. If you like two or more equally, you can give them both five stars. (You can’t with Ranked Choice). If you’ve ever used or given a Google review, you’ve already done it.

The two candidates with the most stars go to instant runoff. If your 5- and 4-star picks don’t make it but your 3-star does, your vote goes to your 3-star pick.

Thus, your vote will always matter. No more vote-splitting among the best candidates. No more “electability.” You can be honest and office becomes attainable to marginalized folks. If STAR goes nationwide, no more two-party gatekeepers holding our nation hostage. 

I’m saying this as a member of a marginalized community — who hates politics but has no choice but to be political. Really, I’d rather be dancing.

Still not sure? Go nerd out on all the peer-reviewed voting science at, dear readers.

Emma Lavin



I see the Eugene Weekly editors “really wanted to like STAR Voting.” If I remember correctly, you did just six years ago, when there was a STAR Voting ballot measure for Lane County. I am pretty sure you endorsed the measure and used STAR Voting for your annual “best-of” feature.

What has changed since then?

STAR Voting is “confusing?” More confusing than six years ago? More confusing than giving an Amazon product rating or rating a restaurant on Yelp?

It disenfranchises voters of color? How so? I have yet to see a convincing argument why that would be the case. Do you really think it would be more disenfranchising than our current system?

The current top-two system does no favors for voters of color, potentially splitting the vote of communities of interest in the primary and then limiting the choice in the general election to two or even just one candidate.

As I see it, it empowers all voters to vote for their true favorite while also weighing in on other candidates in case their favorite is not a front-runner (i.e., well-funded). That is as true for voters of color as it is for other voters. It also eliminates the need for a primary, in which the voting population that turns out is generally wealthier and more white.

There seems to be a coordinated anti-STAR campaign which came out of the blue just before the ballots were mailed. It does not seem home-grown, and raises the question of who is really behind it. Did your reporters do any investigating on that before you rendered your editorial opinion?

The answer might be interesting.

Alan Zundel


Editor’s Note: Eugene Weekly used STAR Voting for Best of Eugene 2018. We did not use it again after it caused voter confusion, did not increase voter engagement, showed no real difference in who the winners were and the results were leaked. 


I am Lisa Warnes, 44-year resident of Ward 2, and I am running for City Council. My opponent, Matt Keating, the poster boy for the Democrat Party, moved to Ward 2, gaining possession of Betty Taylor’s seat four years ago. 

Lack of representation is a frequent concern people express when walking door to door. Keating has shown over four years he’s not representing his constituents — rather, he is using Ward 2 as a door to a higher office. 

I am appalled by news that came out in Whole Community News articles recently: Councilor Greg Evans and Dr. Rosa Colquitt came forward about Keating’s “racist and repugnant” behavior (January 2023) and he’s “dismissive of women” (July 2023). 

This is not what Ward 2 needs. Eugene is at a serious crossroads with the passage of HB 2001, the zone changes and multi-family units that are now being built in our neighborhoods and the city dropped parking restrictions. 

We need citizen involvement resurrected. Transparency showing where our tax dollars are going. I will do away the 10- year tax incentive to for-profit developers. 

We need to bring  in contractors that are being incentivized to build affordable housing. 

Lisa Warnes


Editor’s Note: We reached out to Matt Keating in regard to Lisa Warnes’ allegations. He responded: I take matters of racism and misogyny seriously — as we all have a duty to call out such repugnant behavior. Sadly, my opponent is fanning the flames of a 2022 misunderstanding I had with a fellow city councilor. Since the unfortunate misunderstanding, I have apologized to my colleague; we shook hands and continue to collaborate with congeniality and professionalism. 


I’m writing to express my support for Lisa Fragala for Oregon House District 8. In my role as an engineer and Sustainability Specialist, I have a front-row seat on efforts to create solutions to the climate crisis we are facing. Oregon’s elected leadership must take this crisis seriously. Salem has a key role to play in setting policy that reduces our impact on the environment and prepares us for the wildfires, droughts and other escalating challenges we are grappling with for the foreseeable future. 

I know Fragala to be competent, strategic and deeply dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. She will work to find policy solutions that protect our communities from harm and also capitalize on the economic opportunity of a proactive climate response. The Oregon League of Conservation Voters agrees! Fragala is the only candidate in this race who has earned their endorsement. 

Furthermore, Fragala’s unparalleled record of collaborative leadership — on the LCC Board, as a union organizer, as an educator, on the Planning Commission — makes her supremely well suited to collaborate in Salem, crafting approaches that bring people together for the benefit of current and future generations. 

This is not a drill folks. We must send our best hearts and minds to Salem to work together and steer this ship in a healthier direction while there is still time. Fragala is by far the best choice in the HD8 race, and I urge you to vote for her. 

Dawn Lesley



Tony Corcoran’s letter (“Doyle Canning: Why,” EW 4/11/24) made me a bit sad, but pleased. “Sad” because he castigates Doyle Canning for running for public office as a progressive, when I have found her the most progressive candidate in her races with Peter DeFazio, Val Hoyle and others. 

“Pleased” because Corcoran seems to consider himself a Cottage Grove progressive, and I didn’t know there were any (my fault probably).

More informed writers than myself have laid out reasons why DeFazio should not be considered progressive. I’ll just say I have a file of their letters, and I agree that De Fazio has not seemed very progressive on forest policy and fossil fuel pipelines in this climate emergency era. In her last campaign against Canning, Hoyle took campaign money from companies and industries no self-respecting progressive would have. Canning didn’t. Canning’s positions and background work all seemed much more in tune with AOC and her squad. In fact, it was easy to imagine her as an Oregon House compatriot of those types of folks.

I will look closely at Lisa Fragala, but the endorsements Corcoran listed seem like ordinary centrist Democrats to me.  So Tony, the only “cease and desist” email I am inclined to send in this election right now is to you. 

Jack Taylor



Kevin Federline will never be Jay-Z, Rose Art will never be Crayola, Paris Hilton will never be Meryl Streep, Nestlé will never be Godiva, Tommy Wiseau will never be Daniel Day-Lewis, Austin will never be Portland, Dane Cook will never be George Carlin, a PT Cruiser will never be a Maserati, Dan Quayle will never be John F. Kennedy, and Doyle Canning will never be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

Doyle Srader

(No relation, that’s not how first names work.)



Those of us who choose to have nature next door instead of neighbors aka “rural people” don’t vote or think as a bloc, nor do we all blame the Democrats for all of our woes. Some of us are lifetime supporters of the ACLU and a variety of environmental and charitable organizations who also have a hospital nearby with low wait times, unlike the city to the north where I was raised that has 17 times the population and no hospital.

Bruce Waugh

Cottage Grove


I’m pleased to support Pat Farr for re-election as the Lane County Commissioner representing District 4. Before retiring as Lane County’s Health & Human Services director, I had the pleasure of working closely with Farr, seeing first hand his deep commitment to public service, his leadership in forging innovative and effective partnerships, and his passion for improving services particularly for those who are most vulnerable in our community. 

Farr understands the important intersection of behavioral health, homelessness and public safety, and he is a tireless champion for strengthening all of those systems in order to improve lives for people in Lane County. He is an advocate at the local, state and federal level for the issues most important in our community, and is willing to roll up his sleeves to get things done. 

His leadership helped site and fund the new Navigation Center for people experiencing homelessness, as well as additional permanent supportive housing in our community. He is driven to connect with community members and staff, showing compassion, respect and genuine curiosity — all important components for effective leadership.

Let’s return Farr to the Lane County Board of Commissioners for another term.

Karen Gaffney





After wading through the elaborate instructions for the Star voting system, I was left with the question: “Why?” This seems like a solution in search of a problem. It also seems like a recipe for confusion and chaos. Under the current system you figure out who you want to vote for and vote for them. End of story. It’s not a multiple choice test. If the Star system goes into effect, I would vote five stars for the candidate of my choice and zero for everybody else. I strongly encourage everyone to read their voters pamphlet before they vote on this issue.

Billy Lindros



I really appreciate the service EW provides by making thoughtful voting recommendations. I tend to use them as a guide.  My question (not a complaint or a challenge) is about the “no” recommendation on STAR Voting.  

You say it’s too confusing and that it disenfranchises marginalized communities. No doubt it can seem confusing, but I haven’t seen a case made for how it harms the interests of marginalized communities.  

The voters’ pamphlet has several opposition arguments (including from the organization you cite) which assert that it would harm them, but no analysis of how or why that would be the case. Did EW conduct additional investigation to make this conclusion, or did you simply accept the unsupported assertions made by measure opponents?  (For the record, I’m still undecided on the issue).

Victor Congleton



I’ve lived in Eugene for 30 years, and my work involves providing a platform for the voices and stories of AANHPI and other marginalized communities. 

I am also a volunteer for STAR Voting and I’m disappointed at the EW’s misguided position against STAR Voting. STAR Voting is new, but it is not complicated, and there is nothing disenfranchising about it. 

Rather, STAR Voting will produce the candidate that best represents the will of the people — and it will eliminate the need for a primary! Nationwide, our democratic values and processes are being threatened. We can be better and we can do better — and Eugene can lead the way! Please join me in voting YES on Measure 20-349.

Susan Hirata



I was disappointed to read EW’s “non-endorsement” of the STAR Voting ballot initiative. Our current system forces us to constantly vote for the “lesser of two evils” when splitting the vote is a possibility (think Bush, Gore and Nader in 2000). Because the federal government can’t be relied on for reform, states and municipalities need to be proving grounds for new voting systems that allow voters to support their real candidates of choice without the risk of splitting the vote to elevate the candidate they dislike the most. 

EW claims STAR voting is confusing, and cites unsubstantiated claims that STAR voting disenfranchises voters of color. I am sympathetic to the fact that the paper’s resources of investigative journalism are spread thin right now, but a quick Google search reveals that the group behind the multitude of statements in the voters’ pamphlet in opposition to STAR voting are bankrolled by Next Up Oregon (NUO), a group that favors a competing system: Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) (source: Daily Emerald website). NUO’s two main claims are that STAR voting is untested and that it disenfranchises voters of color. Based on what data? You can’t have both. 

Instead of parroting the “STAR is confusing” line, EW could have dedicated some space to explaining what is actually a quite simple process. STAR has been rigorously tested against RCV in models and shown to consistently produce more fair and representative elections. I urge you to do your own homework and go to Equal.Vote to educate yourself.

Jesse Springer



Suddenly there are anti-STAR Voting mailers on everyone’s doors, paid for by outside money, telling us we don’t need a new voting system. 

Supposedly, it’s OK that most people don’t bother to vote anymore. (We had between 33-46 percent turnout in the last three primaries.) That’s good enough.

Evidently, it’s OK to have only two candidates, if that. And it’s OK that only major party candidates get the funding needed to run because only they stand a chance.

Supposedly, STAR Voting is too confusing. As though we don’t already use 5-star ratings all the time when we choose a movie or a restaurant.

Evidently, being able to show preferences is too hard for voters despite the fact that voters were kids once who — no doubt — asked for a pony, and once turned down said, “OK, if I can’t have a pony, can I have a skateboard?” 

Supposedly, the country isn’t in crisis. 

Actually, it is. We’re badly in need of a new, more inspiring, more empowering model for democracy. Measure 20-349, STAR Voting for Eugene offers that. People need to know that voting actually matters, and that “a candidate that looks like me” or “a candidate committed to the needs of everyday people; workers, families, kids” can actually win.

No wonder big money is swooping in with a full-out disinformation campaign to oppose STAR Voting.

Democracy is supposed to mean “Government for the People by the People,” and we desperately need it to live up to that promise. 

Lindty Delf




I have received two large campaign flyers denouncing Doyle Canning. I don’t have any idea who sponsored this hateful garbage.

Who exactly is “Eugene is Ready”?  Who is it that thinks our election process should include hateful, derogatory language sent through the mail with nothing but negative, supposedly new information about who supports who. 

I became curious about who Canning really is. I heard her speak, I’ve spoken to her. She is not the person that the author

of this negative ad depicts. She is an intelligent, hard working and very progressive woman. Perhaps that’s the problem?

Progressive and woman are trigger words?  Nonetheless, it makes more sense to work hard for the person you support rather than attack her opponent. 

By the way, I’m aware of several progressives leaders who do support and endorse Canning.

Bryna Livingston



As a fellow Lane Community College board director and the current chair, I am writing in support of Lisa Fragala’s candidacy for House District 8.  I have gotten to witness Fragala’s exemplary leadership first-hand and the ways that it has positively impacted the college and our greater community. 

Fragala was the board chair during the pandemic. This was a very uncertain time, but with Fragala’s signature clarity, confidence and calm, the board guided LCC’s administration and faculty to quickly transition to online learning, ensuring that students had uninterrupted access to their studies. 

Post COVID, Fragala spearheaded LCC’s Community Benefits Agreement. The CBA stokes our local economy by stipulating that all construction projects at the college be done by local workers paid living wages. The CBA also promotes sourcing materials locally and giving priority, when possible, to women and BIPOC owned businesses. 

While PeaceHealth was closing Eugene’s only hospital, Fragala fought to keep the college health clinic open, a critical source of affordable healthcare for students on campus. She also championed expanding LCC’s nursing program, along with other apprenticeship programs, that contribute to the skilled workforce for private businesses, municipalities and the trades throughout Lane County.

With Fragala’s leadership and advocacy, LCC’s enrollment is increasing, and several facilities and programs are expanding.  Her proven record as an elected official is why so many, including myself, will be supporting Fragala for HD 8 in the Democratic primary. Please join us.

Austin Folnagy



I recently attended a campaign appearance by Doyle Canning, a Democrat running for the open 8th state legislative district. I knew Canning was not already a legislator, and so I was surprised to hear her speak with such experience about the past legislative session. It turned out that Canning had worked as a legislative director for another state representative, and had been instrumental behind the scenes in helping to draft and pass legislation on green energy, housing, reproductive freedom and other issues. Several current state representatives and senators, as well as former south Eugene elected officials such as Jerry Rust and Shawn Boles, took the trouble to show up at her campaign event and support her. Canning spoke with authority and enthusiasm on a wide variety of issues of importance to our community.

Canning is already well-known, respected and familiar with the process in Salem, and can be expected, if elected, to hit the ground running to get things done for Eugene. Please join me in supporting Canning for state representative.

Andrew Ross



Born and raised in south Eugene, I now live in Jefferson-Westside raising my own family. As a climate justice advocate and parent, my politics reflect my desire for a just, livable future for my daughter and all future generations. It is rare to see a candidate that I feel truly gets us, and reflects our community and our values, but Doyle Canning does. Like me, she is also a mom, a proud Eugenan and long-time climate champion who fights for low-income communities and workers, backs universal healthcare, and is outspoken about ending the war in Gaza. 

Canning walks her talk. She shows up for us, whether fundraising for local candidates, taping our fossil free banner onto her electric truck in the Eugene Bright Parade, or speaking up for climate action at the statehouse or Eugene city hall. 

I’ve seen her in action at the State House. She knows the players, the process and how to deliver results. Divestment from coal power? Seven million dollars for green jobs in forestry? State support for bikes and public transit? Five million dollars for affordable housing? Canning got it done. 

Canning is the kind of person I want my daughter to see as a local leader, a strong advocate and mother who cannot be bought by special interests. South Eugene deserves fresh leadership committed to advocating for our communities, and I wholeheartedly believe that Canning is the ideal candidate to carry that torch forward.

Vote Canning for House District 8.

Aya Cockram



Pat Farr deserves your votes. I met him 30 years ago when he was working at Jerry’s, on the Bethel School Board and running for Eugene City Council.  

I worked on housing and homelessness issues for the city of Eugene and gave him a tour and explained challenges and options. He started out a bit skeptical and became an outspoken and steadfast advocate. He has demonstrated over and over that he looks at facts, listens to many voices and then decides.  

He wasn’t locked into a position. Yes, he identified as a Mark Hatfield Republican and later, when he was serving in the Oregon House, he was often a thorn in the side of the GOP leadership. He’s a registered independent now.  

As a child FARR moved from blue collar Sheffield, England, to Tillamook. He attended UO, served in the military and worked his way up at Jerry’s — a place that highly values customer service.  He’s also a family man in a “modern family.”

Pat Farr serves Lane County with hard work and integrity. He has earned our votes.  

Richie Weinman



Here’s why Ward 1 voters should vote for Ted Coopman: He is smart, engaged, asks the hard questions and is willing to listen, learn and work on behalf of his community. 

He’s a tireless advocate for sensible community safety, real affordable housing and meaningful community engagement. I first met Coopman as chair of Jefferson-Westside Neighbors when I staffed the city’s neighborhoods program. Since 2021, I’ve served on the JWN board under Coopman’s leadership. As a community leader Coopman has engaged his neighbors, the city and other agencies in advocating for permanent supportive housing in the JWN, increased safety measures (and regular work parties) at Monroe Park, and helping craft a good neighbor agreement for the treatment center on West 11th.

Other candidates believe that reading a spreadsheet, studying Eugene’s land use code, or writing a business plan qualify them to represent Ward 1. Those are great skills that can be learned with diligence, but they aren’t enough to be an effective city councilor. 

However, the ability to build genuine relationships over time, gain the trust and confidence of neighbors, businesses, and local agencies, and listen — really listen — are far more valuable and come naturally to Coopman. 

Rene Kane




Allow me to state the obvious: The Lane County Fairgrounds site is already a multi-use facility. It already hosts events and concerts. It already acts as an emergency shelter for people and animals during local and regional crises. The voters of Eugene do not need to subsidize a baseball stadium for an out-of-state and profitable sports conglomerate.

Elmore Sports Group (ESG) seems to have enough money to fund an expensive disinformation campaign of mailers, lawn signs, and voter’s pamphlet arguments. Their lobbyists have worked on city, county, and state officials — playing one branch of government off another.

The only money that ESG has pledged is rent — a ridiculously low rate for a generous term on property that would be donated outright. Residents of Lane County would be forced to pay the bill for this boondoggle whose true price tag is not the $15 million bond measure. In fact, this stadium would cost taxpayers upward of $100 million-plus of misappropriated funds from city, county, and state coffers.

Send a message to City officials to refocus their time and our resources on what matters most: Public safety, parks, libraries, affordable housing and homeless services.

Vote NO on 20-358.

Holly Knight




In response to an article by Tiffany Eckert of KLCC stating that Eugene-Springfield is the fourth worst spot in the nation for air pollution, and LRAPA representative, Travis Knudsen, who indicated that it was due primarily to forest fires, wood stove fires and vehicle pollution, I believe that LRAPA is avoiding the elephant in the room. 

With mega size wood processing plants, a charcoal manufacturing plant and chemical processing plants scattered throughout the immediate area, shouldn’t this also be factored into the air pollution we have here? 

It seems that for some reason LRAPA is turning a blind eye to this issue? Why is this aspect of our serious air pollution problem not being addressed more aggressively by LRAPA, our elected officials, and even by the EPA. Could it be a general lack of public interest, or is there something else more sinister going on. 

Jen Allison



I was upset to read in The Register-Guard that EWEB customers would be forcibly disconnected from electric service if they did not agree to allow so-called smart meters for the service that they pay for. EWEB seemed to imply that these folks were crackpots and misinformed for not wanting these new meters. 

Well, my wife and I believe we are pretty sane and aren’t real “conspiracy” believers. We wanted to keep our conventional meter because we saw smart meters as one more attempt by corporate forces to cut jobs. Our meter readers were usually young people starting out in the work force. 

As human jobs like a cashier are lost to “self check-out” lines in markets, and operators answer phones to handle questions or requests, we lose more human contact and jobs. 

When more entry level, or less skilled jobs disappear will society be better off or just corporations.

Hal Huestis



The idea that “human consciousness must change” for humankind’s problems to be resolved has been articulated by people ranging from Albert Einstein to Shirley Maclaine, but remains shrouded in ambiguity and flowery New Age rhetoric. 

While having love spread through our species would be nice, I’d settle for an enhanced faculty of discernment. People

need to begin believing what’s true rather than believing ridiculous things that happen to be convenient.

This cognitive/perceptual human failing has become ever more apparent in recent months as Israel had killed about 30,000

innocent civilians in response to Hamas killing 695 civilians on Oct. 7. Israel is quick to accuse anyone opposed to a wholesale slaughter and forced starvation of innocent civilians and being anti-Semitic. The U.S. college students protesting this carnage (many of whom are Jewish) are being accused of being “like Nazis.”  President Joe Biden

feels strongly that Donald Trump can’t be allowed a second term, but is driving away countless young and Muslim voters with his unconditional support for a massive slaughter.

We need a new acronym: I propose DAOS — delusional and/or sociopathic. We must diagnose the psychology of the sick people running the world.

Robert Bolman



With Israel posed to wage War in Gaza, a war that could push the humanitarian crisis of medical collapse, drought and famine (already at extreme levels over the edge into a humanitarian abyss), I think asking this question helps put a frame on this.

Could the conditions of Palestinian refugees in the great tent camps of Rafah in Gaza — with the extreme attenuation of water, food and medicine (if diseases like typhus break out) — go downhill as far as those of Bergen-Belsen in 1945? I just have to believe thinking and talking about Gaza in light of Bergen-Belsen may facilitate understanding and open the heart.

Leo Rivers

Cottage Grove


In describing the Climate Emergency, a friend of mine recently said, “We aren’t lost. We’re just heading in the wrong direction.”  

This describes our present climate emergency perfectly. With all of the recent bad news about the melting of the ice in Greenland and Antarctica, the slowdown of the deep currents of the world’s oceans, plus the exponentially worsening rain events, hurricanes, heat waves, forest fires, droughts, wars, flight of climate refugees and political polarization in today’s world, it’s a wonder that we’re not moving more quickly to tackle what amounts to the greatest challenge that humans have and will ever confront in history. 

President Joe Biden is doing the best he can in the U.S. to resolve the multiplicity of intertwining facets of this challenge, but is constantly hampered by the loud whining and howling of ultra-right wing deniers and liars. 

His latest declaration of the Climate Corps will undoubtedly be criticized by these chaos-loving forces. I was in the Peace Corps in Bolivia, and have worked my entire life as a volunteer and teacher both in South America and rural Alaska, and I know how a corps of dedicated volunteers such as the Climate Corps can empower youth everywhere and at the same time incrementally help ameliorate the Climate Emergency. 

Frank Keim



In all the commentary about college anti-war protests, we have failed to notice that young people are able to see unjust war, unconscionable violence and political evil much more clearly than their parents and grandparents can.

Those elders have gone silent in the face of Benjamin Netanyahu’s astonishingly unproportional response to Israel’s loss of 1,200 civilians on Oct. 7th.

Young people have figured out that 34,000 dead Palestinians is less about anti-Semitism and more about a larger and more pervasive form of hate. That slow-burning hate comes from the emotional indifference and intellectual light-headedness of average Americans and their Republican and Democrat leaders. It isn’t helped by the greed of the war industries that fund elections, either.

Netanyahu is clearly a malevolent influence in Israel, Gaza and the entire world, just as the underground leaders of Hamas and their puppet-masters in Tehran are. Young people have not lost the tender conscience bequeathed to them by their newness in this life, and they are courageous enough to separate themselves from their elders who have.

A famous book says, “A little child shall lead them.” That is happening in America today without a doubt.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

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